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Jan Karger ツ ☀ edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

Attached properties

Property Value Description
DataFormat GongSolutions.Wpf.DragDrop Gets or sets the data format which will be used for the drag and drop operations.
IsDragSource false Gets or sets whether the control can be used as drag source.
IsDropTarget false Gets or sets whether the control can be used as drop target.
DropEventType EventType.Auto Gets or sets the events which are subscribed for the drag and drop events.
CanDragWithMouseRightButton false Gets or sets whether the control can be used as drag source together with the right mouse.
DragHandler null (IDragSource) Gets or sets the handler for the drag operation.
DropHandler null (IDropTarget) Gets or sets the handler for the drop operation.
DropScrollingMode ScrollingMode.Both Gets or sets the ScrollingMode for the drop operation.
ShowAlwaysDropTargetAdorner false Gets or sets whether to show the DropTargetAdorner (DropTargetInsertionAdorner) on an empty target too.
DropTargetAdornerBrush null (Brush) Gets or sets the brush for the DropTargetAdorner.
DragDropContext null (string) Gets or sets a context for a control. Only controls with the same context are allowed for drag or drop actions.
DragSourceIgnore false Gets or sets whether an element under the mouse should be ignored for the drag operation.
DragDirectlySelectedOnly false Gets or sets whether the drag action should be started only directly on a selected item.
DragDropCopyKeyState DragDropKeyStates.None The drag drop copy key state property (default None).
- Move, within the same control or from one to another, if the drag drop key state is None
- Copy, from one to another control with the given drag drop copy key state
UseDefaultDragAdorner false Gets or sets whether if the default DragAdorner should be use.
DefaultDragAdornerOpacity 0.8 Gets or sets the opacity of the default DragAdorner.
DragMouseAnchorPoint Point(0, 1) Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical proportion at which the pointer will anchor on the DragAdorner.
DragAdornerTranslation Point(-4, -4) Gets or sets the translation transform which will be used for the DragAdorner.
EffectAdornerTranslation Point(16, 16) Gets or sets the translation transform which will be used for the EffectAdorner.
DragAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a DataTemplate for the DragAdorner.
DropAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a DataTemplate for the DragAdorner based on the DropTarget.
DragAdornerTemplateSelector null (DataTemplateSelector) Gets or sets a DataTemplateSelector for the DragAdorner.
DropAdornerTemplateSelector null (DataTemplateSelector) Gets or sets a DataTemplateSelector for the DragAdorner based on the DropTarget.
UseVisualSourceItemSizeForDragAdorner false Use descendant bounds of the VisualSourceItem as MinWidth for the DragAdorner.
UseDefaultEffectDataTemplate false Gets or sets whether if the default DataTemplate for the effects should be use.
EffectNoneAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type None.
EffectCopyAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type Copy.
EffectMoveAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type Move.
EffectLinkAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type Link.
EffectAllAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type All.
EffectScrollAdornerTemplate null (DataTemplate) Gets or sets a EffectAdorner DataTemplate for effect type Scroll.
ItemsPanelOrientation null (Orientation?) Gets or sets the Orientation which should be used for the drag drop action (default null).
Normally it will be look up to find the correct orientation of the inner ItemsPanel,
but sometimes it's necessary to force the orientation, if the look up is wrong.
MinimumHorizontalDragDistance MinimumHorizontalDragDistance
Gets or sets the minimum horizontal drag distance to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins.
MinimumVerticalDragDistance MinimumVerticalDragDistance
Gets or sets the minimum vertical drag distance to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins.
SelectDroppedItems false Gets or sets whether if the dropped items should be select again (should keep the selection).
DropTargetScrollViewer null (ScrollViewer) Gets or sets the ScrollViewer that will be used as DropInfo.TargetScrollViewer.
RootElementFinder null (IRootElementFinder) Gets or sets the root element finder.
DragPreviewMaxItemsCount 10 Gets or sets the maximum items count which will be used for the dragged preview.
DragPreviewItemsSorter null (IDragPreviewItemsSorter) Gets or sets the handler for the dragged preview items sorter
DropTargetItemsSorter null (IDropTargetItemsSorter) Gets or sets the handler for the drop target items sorter

Static values

Property Value Description
DefaultDragHandler DefaultDragHandler (IDragSource) Gets the default DragHandler.
DefaultDropHandler DefaultDropHandler (IDropTarget) Gets the default DropHandler.
DefaultRootElementFinder RootElementFinder (IRootElementFinder) Gets the default RootElementFinder.
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