Blackfynn Utilities for dealing with the Datasets from the Linux command line
Python 2.7.10+ and packages
Python 3.7 and packages
- Each command comes with a -h option for help and a -l option to list all datasets available to the user
- Package installation:
- We are in the process of switching to Python3.7. The following scripts work for 3.7.
bfcompare shows the differences between two datasets or a dataset and a local directory that was created with bfsync.
bfcompare -d <dataset>
-c <compared dataset>
--all (compare with all datasets)
-p <local path to compare>
-i (case-insensitive compares)
--data (also compare data)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -c, -p and --all are mutually exclusive.
bfdelete removes directories (collections) from a dataset
bfdelete -d <dataset>
--all (apply to ALL HPAP datasets)
-f <file containing datasets>
-p <dataset path> (removes rightmost item in path)
--force (remove collection with content)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -d, -f and --all are mutually exclusive
bfdircnt will provide directory/file counts of directories in a tree. Each count is the total of directores, subdirectories and files in a directory.
bfdircnt <directory>
bfdu will give an accurate size of data in a local directory
Syntax: bfdu <directory>
bfduplicate clones a dataset to a new dataset (collections only) -d <dataset>
-n <new dataset>
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
bfinsert adds a new collection to a dataset's path
bfinsert -d <dataset
--all (apply to ALL HPAP datasets)
-f <file containing datasets>
-p <dataset path> (inserts rightmost part of path)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -d, -f and --all are mutually exclusive.
bfmeta will add, remove or show metadata in collections and data in a dataset
bfmeta -d <dataset>
--all (apply to ALL HPAP datasets)
-f <file containing datasets>
-k <metadata key>
-v <metadata value>
-m <metadata file of key:value pairs> (-k -v ignored)
-c <category> (default = Blackfynn)
-p <dataset path> (path to collection required)
-t <data type> (integer, string, date, double)
--remove (remove metadata instead of adding metadata)
--show (show metadata)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Notes: Adds, removes, or shows metadata to right part of path
Date format = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS"
Options -d, -f and --all are mutually exclusive
bfmove will move a collection (and its contents) to another path within a dataset
bfmove -d <dataset>
--all (loop on all HPAP datasets)
-f <file containing datasets>
-S <source path>
-D <destination path> (MUST be directory)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -d, -f and --all are mutually exlusive
bfrename will rename a collection in a dataset
bfrename -d <dataset>
--all (apply to ALL HPAP datasets)
-f <file containing datasets>
-p <dataset path> (renames rightmost object in path)
-n <new object name>
--data (rightmost object is data)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -d, -f and --all are mutually exlusive
bfsync will clone a dataset to a local directory (including data if requested)
bfsync -d <dataset>
-c <Data categories: "Clinical data", "B cell receptor repertoire", "Flow panels for B cells", "Flow cytometry - Immune lineage", "Histology", "CyTOF", "ATACseq", "mRNAseq", "Sequencing data for sorted cells/Sort data", "WGBS", "Single-cell RNAseq", "Calcium imaging", "Patch-Clamp", "Oxygen consumption", "Morphology and viability", "Perifusions", "Imaging mass cytometry", "ATAQseq", "Tetramer Ag specific studies by FACS".>
-p <output path for local dataset storage> (default is $PWD)
-e <file containing exception paths>
--nodata (do not include data)
--mirror (remove local data/directories to mirror dataset)
--refresh (send a signal to hpap data website to refresh. this is the default)
--norefresh (do not send signal to hpap data website to refresh)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
bftree shows the content of a dataset in tree format
bftree -d <dataset>
--all (loop on all HPAP datasets)
-p <path to start tree>
--data (show packages in output)
--realdata (show packages as uploaded names)
--nocolor (no colorful output)
-h (help)
-l (list datasets)
Note: -d and --all are mutually exclusive