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AnalogArray by PropJockey

npm i analog-array


npm and StealJS:

// any method:
import AnalogArray from "analog-array";
// or
const AnalogArray = require("analog-array");
// or
define(["analog-array"], function(AnalogArray){});

npm and CJS:

const AnalogArray = require("analog-array");


  packages: [{
    name: 'analog-array',
    location: 'node_modules/analog-array/dist/amd',
    main: 'analog-array'
// ...
define(["analog-array"], function(AnalogArray){});


<script src="dist/global/analog-array.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="dist/global/analog-array.min.js"></script>

  const analogArray = new AnalogArray([10, 8, 999, 20000])


  let analogArray = new AnalogArray([10, 8, 16])

  Array.isArray(analogArray) // true

  // overflow access returns highest or lowest available index respectively:
  analogArray[999] // 16
  analogArray[-0.5] // 10

  // index values accessed like a normal array:
  analogArray[1] // 8

splitIndex values "slide" between the value at index = Math.floor(splitIndex) and the next index

  let analogArray = new AnalogArray([10, 8, 16])
  analogArray[0.5] // 9 (half way between index 0 and index 1)
  analogArray[1.25] // 10 (1/4 past the value at index 1 towards the value at index 2)
  analogArray[1.50] // 12 (1/2 past the value at index 1 towards the value at index 2)
  analogArray[1.75] // 14 (3/4 past the value at index 1 towards the value at index 2)
  analogArray[2.00] // 16 (the value at index 2)

a custom slide function can be specified

  analogArray = new AnalogArray([10, 8, 16], mySlideFn) // at init
  analogArray.slide = mySlideFn // or later

Slide functions take 3 arguments, (from, to, amount)

from is the value at the index Math.floor(splitIndex)

to is the value at the index Math.floor(splitIndex) + 1

amount is the scalar = splitIndex - fromIndex, which will be a value in the range (0, 1)

(amounts 0 and 1 will access the array directly without sliding, otherwise the range would have been [0, 1])


  let floorIndexValuesOnly = (from, to, amount) => {
    console.log(from, to, amount)
    return from
  analogArray = new AnalogArray([10, 8, 16])

  analogArray[1.50] // 12
  analogArray.slide = floorIndexValuesOnly
  analogArray[1.50] // returns: 8, logs: 8 16 0.5

The values in the analogArray can be anything if you provide a way to slide between them.

Slide functions AnalogArray.slideNumber (the default slide) and AnalogArray.slideColor are included

These slide functions can be used directly outside of the implicit use in an AnalogArray instance if needed.


Accepts hex colors in the form "#RRGGBB". If "RRGGBB" is used (without "#") at Math.floor(splitIndex), the result will also omit "#".

let colorsAnalogArray = new AnalogArray(["#ff00ff", "888888", "#00ff00"], AnalogArray.slideColor)

colorsAnalogArray[0] // "#ff00ff"
colorsAnalogArray[0.5] // "#c444c4"
colorsAnalogArray[1] // "888888"
colorsAnalogArray[1.5] // "44c444"
colorsAnalogArray[2] // "#00ff00"

It will also slide hex colors in the form "#RRGGBBAA" and "RRGGBBAA" with similar results.


read values between array indexes







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