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Releases: prismmodelchecker/prism


13 Jan 09:49
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  • Migrate to CUDD version 3
  • Transition reward export (MDP-like models) for explicit engine
  • Fix broken transient probability computation
  • Updates/fixes in install/launch/testing scripts and build process
  • New tests in etc/tests available for easier build tests
  • New -javaversion switch to show Java version used
  • New --print-failures switch for prism-auto
  • Various bugfixes


05 Jul 20:25
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  • Support for interval DTMC (IDTMC) and interval MDP (IMDP) model checking

  • Improved strategy (policy) generation

    • switch -exportstrat exports to tra/dot/txt format
    • additional export options (restrict/reduce, states, reach)
    • strategy generation extended for bounded reachability, LTL, POMDPs
    • GUI support for generating, exporting and simulating strategies
  • Other features/enhancements:

    • PTA model checking supports global/non-local variables
    • ModelGenerator interface now supports real-time models (e.g., PTAs)
    • new -javaparams switch to pass command-line arguments to JVM
    • prism-log-extract: new field 'dd_nodes' for model MTBDD size
  • Import/export enhancements:

    • import of multiple (and named) reward structures
    • reward exports include header with name/type
    • new setting for model export precision (-exportmodelprecision)
    • new "proplabels" option for -exportmodel and -exportlabels
    • new -exportproplabels switch to export (just) properties file labels
    • explicit model import without -importmodel: prism model.all
    • results export to new formats: PRISM comment, dataframe
    • results import from dataframe format (-importresults or GUI)
    • observation export for POMDPs (-exportobs or GUI)
  • Fixes / upgrades

    • compile fix for newer MacOS
    • library updates: JAS (2.7.90), Log4j (2.16.0), jhoafparser (1.1.1)
    • various bugfixes
  • Development and code-level changes

    • automated testing via GitHub Actions
    • unit testing via JUnit
    • JavaCC upgraded from version 6.0 to 7.0
    • major refactoring:
      • generic model/reward classes
      • ASTElement deepCopy()
      • Expression evaluation
      • explicit.StateValues
      • Strategy and related classes
      • Modules2MTBDD


23 Mar 23:40
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  • New model checking functionality

    • support for POMDP/POPTA model checking
    • support for LTS model checking
    • reporting of model checking accuracy
  • Features/enhancements:

    • bounded properties (e.g. P<p) raise error if results are too inaccurate
    • improved model type auto-detection (MDP/PTA/LTS/POMDP/POPTA)
    • new -dir switch to set current working dir in command line and GUI
    • support HOA input (HOAF2DA) without a number-of-states header
  • Fixes

    • fixed to compile on Java 14
    • fixed to compile on 64-bit Arm Linux/Mac
    • consistent treatment of negative/infinite/NaN rewards in symbolic/explicit engines
    • disable tree of model info in GUI
  • Development and code-level changes

    • code base now allows/assumes Java 9
    • testing RESULT specifications can be intervals [a,b]
    • prism-log-extract: new (meta)fields: prog_name, prog_version, prog
    • ModelGenerator improvements: auto-generates VarList; stores module info
    • explicit model refactoring: more default implementations in interfaces
    • bugfixes & refactoring


21 Apr 10:51
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  • New model checking features/enhancements:

    • digital clocks engine now supports time-bounded reachability
    • explicit engine support for steady-state computation (and S, R[S] properties)
    • improved support in MTBDD engine for very large (>2^63) state spaces
    • the -heuristic switch triggers automatic selection of some engines/settings
    • the -prop switch accepts multiple (comma-separated) property indices/names
    • MTBDD engine support for non-sparse vector printing (printall filter)
    • many minor bugfixes
  • New import/export features:

    • export of result values for all states of a model (-exportvector)
    • basic auto-detection of model type for explicit file import
    • simulation (path generation and statistical model checking) for explicit model imports
    • explicit engine support for state reward import from files
    • MTBDD engine support for export of transient/steady-state probabilities
  • Examples directory tidied up and now grouped by model type

  • Development changes and enhancements:

    • extended/improved ModelGenerator interface, including methods to support simulation
    • new RewardGenerator interface for specifying information about rewards for a model
    • PRISM API improvements: properties can be parsed against the currently loaded model
    • Makefile improvements: better configurability of directiories
    • Makefile improvements: better handling of variables and sub-Makefiles, incl. CUDD
    • new release_source Makefile target for building source releases
  • Benchmarking/testing changes and enhancements:

    • new prism-log-extract script for processing PRISM log files
    • prism-auto: new options/features (--log-subdirs, --filter-models, --args-list)


18 Apr 23:48
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  • New features

    • add round function to language (rounds to nearest integer)
    • Java stack size can be set via command-line switch -javastack (or PRISM_JAVASTACKSIZE)
    • fractional values allowed for constants in -const switch and in GUI
    • allow rewards to be included in simulation paths exported from GUI (like for -simpath)
  • Enhancements and fixes:

    • PRISM GUI settings file (.prism) moved to more standard locations
    • ITE supported in exact/parametric mode
    • various improvements to model checking in "exact" mode
    • bugfix for incorrect model construction during fast adaptive uniformisation
    • faster explicit construction of models with no labels
    • command-line -exportsteadystates switch implies -steadystate
    • GUI shortcuts: double-clicks for addition of constants, labels
    • fixed Mac launch scripts for Java 10 (removed -d64 and -d32)
    • improved auto switching between model checking engines in some cases
    • many minor bugfixes
  • Development changes and enhancements:

    • alignment of source code releases and GitHub repos (some files moved to top-level)
    • move/simplify release building Makefile scripts (see GitHub wiki)
    • utility scripts for installing PRISM on fresh OSs (in etc/scripts)
    • HTML copy of manual now included in repo
    • make clean_all cleans external libs too, e.g. lpsolve
    • switch from javah (deprecated since Java 8) to javac for JNI header generation
    • launch scripts now use exec to start Java by default (PRISM_NO_EXEC=yes to revert)
  • Benchmarking/testing changes and enhancements:

    • integration of prism-tests into main repo
    • fractions/exact numbers allowed in testing RESULT specs
    • Travis build config for continuous integration testing
    • prism-auto guesses ngprism location
    • prism-auto options: --skip-export-runs, --skip-duplicate-runs, --timeout
    • Makefile targets/settings: test, testsecho, testsfull, TESTS_ARGS, source-jar
    • NG_MAINCLASS setting for running PRISM in Nailgun server mode (prism -ng)


02 Jan 22:21
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  • New model checking functionality:

    • expected reward to satisfy a co-safe LTL formula (MDPs, D/CTMCs, all engines)
    • interval iteration (MDPs, D/CTMCs, all engines)
    • topological value iteration (MDPs, D/CTMCs, explicit engine)
    • expected total reward (R[C] operator) for CTMCs and MDPs (max), all engines
    • CTL model checking in the explicit engine
    • non-probabilistic LTL model checking in the explicit engine
    • instantaneous reward computation (Rmax/min[I=x]) in the explicit engine
    • DTMC transient probability computation for the explicit engine
  • Imports and exports:

    • model import from explicit files for the explicit engine (-import... switches)
    • full import of labels during explicit model import (all engines)
    • import of state rewards during explicit model import (symbolic engines)
    • export of state rewards from explicit engine
    • export of models to .dot format via the -exportmodel switch
  • Miscellaneous:

    • built-in support for Nailgun client/server
    • new timeout feature (-timeout switch)
    • performance improvements in explicit engine
    • GUI also supports -javamaxmem switch to set Java memory
    • better error handling when CUDD runs out of memory
    • various bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Features for developers:

    • new ModelGenerator interface for specifying models programmatically
    • extensions to test mode: complex expressions for RESULT specifications
    • prism-auto: new options/features (e.g., --show-warnings, --nailgun, --ngprism, --verbose-test)
    • DD debugging options: -dddebug and -ddtrace switches, improved ref count debugging
    • new option -exportiterations for visualising iterative numerical methods
    • code base now allows/assumes Java 8