- Rancheros
- Tectonic
- Heptio
- Kops
- Track
- Kubernetes the hardway
- Deis
- OpenShift v3
- Openshift options
- Kublr
- Kubo
- Kubicorn
- k8s-snowflake
- Key Concepts of Kubernetes
- Kubernetes under the Hood
- State and Storage
- The Three Pillars of Kubernetes Container Orchestration
- Comparison of container schedulers
- Kubernetes 1.6 new features
- Best practices with kubernetes
- What happend when k8s ...
- Prometheus operator
- Monitoring with Prometheus
- Heapster
- Monitoring with Heapster
- Sysdig
- Honeycombio
- Rethinking monitoring for containers
- Federation
- Kops pushing updates without reboot
- Kops federation
- Experimenting with cross cloud kubernetes
- Federated ingress
- Self-hosted, Scale, and Federation with Kubernetes v1.4 and Beyond
- Kubernetes Replication Controller, Replica Set and Deployments: Understanding replication options
- Kubernetes cluster federation tutorial
- Federation with StackpointCluoud
- Run and Scale Stateful Applications Easily in Kubernetes
- https://opensource.com/article/17/2/stateful-applications
- http://blog.kubernetes.io/2017/02/postgresql-clusters-kubernetes-statefulsets.html
- Ruby migrations
- Flannel
- Calico
- Aporeto Trireme
- Wave
- Wave @ Fosdem
- Tigera
- Canal
- Network policies
- Amazon VPC CNI
- NodePort vs LoadBalancer vs Ingress
- Container networking
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Hashicorp Vault example 1
- Pods, Tokens, and a Little Glue: Integrating Kubernetes and Vault in Elastic Infrastructure
- Bitami sealed secrets
- Helm
- Bulding Helm charts
- CI/CD with Kubernetes and Helm
- Delivering Kubernetes native applications
- Cloud Pipeline with Aritfactory
- Cloud Pipeline with Aritfactory 2
- Wercker
- Wercker example
- Wercker deploy example
- CI/CD with Helm and Wercker
- Simple pipeline with Jenkins
- Argo
- Jenkins X
- Clair
- Conjur
- Conjur Examples
- Hashicorp Vault talk
- Dagda
- Understanding Kubernetes Authentication and Authorization
- Kube2IAM
- Heptio authenticator (IAM)
- RBAC best practices
- Building Container Images Securely on Kubernetes
- kubernetes security best practices
- Bulding images in GKE
- Docker base image
- How to docker images
- Packer,docker,kubernetes
- Packer example
- Building docker images with Buddy
- Advanced Scheduling in Kubernetes
- Kubernetes: Advanced Scheduling Controls
- Tolerations and taints
- Kubernetes Engine Priority and Preemption
- Preemption and Priority
- AWS introduction to container management
- Hightower Hashiconf 2016
- Hightower PuppetConf 2016
- Kubernetes Best Paractices Google I/O 2016
- Kubernetes for Childerns
- Kubernetes getting started
- Kubernetes in 15 minutes
- Container management and deployment: from development to production (Google Cloud Next '17)
- Heptio youtube channel
- Ksonnet
- Draft
- Metaparticle
- Sonobuoy
- Brigade
- Skaffold
- kubectx
- kube-ps1
- Draft vs Gitkube vs Helm vs Ksonnet vs Metaparticle vs Skaffold
- One year with kubernetes 1
- One year with kubernetes 2
- One year with Kubernetes 3
- Lessons learned from three container-management systems over a decade
- Three lessons from running Kubernetes in production
- 10 Most common reasons kubernetes deployments fail part 1
- Containers in production
- Operating Kubernetes @ stripe
- Make Kubernetes Production Ready
- Scaling up with Google Kubernetes Engine: our experience after 6 months in production