The Pitt API is an unofficial Python API made by Ritwik Gupta at the University of Pittsburgh in an effort to get more open data from Pitt.
from pittapi import course, dining, lab, laundry, library, news, people, shuttle, textbook
### Courses
# Returns a dictionary of all courses for a given subject
cs_subject = course.get_subject_courses(subject='CS')
courses_dict =
# Returns a list of sections of a course during a given term
cs_course = course.get_course_details(term='2244', subject='CS', course='1501')
section_list = cs_course.sections
### Textbook
# Returns a list of dictionaries containing textbooks for a class
# Term number comes from
small_dict = textbook.get_textbook(term="3150", department="CS", course="445", instructor="RAMIREZ")
### Library
# Returns a dictionary containing results from query
big_dict = library.get_documents(query="computer")
### News
# Returns a list of dictionaries containing news from main news feed
medium_dict = news.get_news()
### Laundry
# Returns a dictionary with number of washers and dryers in use vs.
# total washers and dryers in building
small_dict = laundry.get_status_simple(building_name="TOWERS")
### Computer Lab
# Returns a dictionary with status of the lab and number of open machines
small_dict = lab.get_status(lab_name="ALUMNI")
### Shuttle
# Returns a list of dictionaries containing routes of shuttles
big_dict = shuttle.get_routes()
### People
# Returns a list of people based on the query
list_of_peeps = people.get_person(query="Smith")
### Dining
# Returns a dictionary of dictionaries containing each dining location with its
# name and open/closed status
medium_dict = dining.get_locations()
# Returns a dictionary of a dining location with its hours for a given day
hours = dining.get_location_hours("The Eatery", datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 12))
Install Python 3.12 and pipenv
Run pipenv install
and pipenv shell
to create and setup the virtual environment.
Read our contributing guidelines to learn how to contribute to the Pitt API.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 license.