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Source Sink Design

Lukas Herman edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 63 revisions


  • Provide a standard way of reading media data
  • Provide an extension to non-webrtc applications
  • Easy to use


  • The current design is tightly coupled to WebRTC, it feels awkward if being used for other use cases
  • The simple example is not actually that simple 😓


Location: pkg/io/video and pkg/io/audio

type Broadcaster struct {}

func (broadcaster *Broadcaster) Source() Reader {}
func (broadcaster *Broadcaster) ReplaceSource(source Reader) {}
func (broadcaster *Broadcaster) NewReader() Reader {}

Location: root

package mediadevices

type videoRef struct {
  counter uint

type audioRef struct {
  counter uint

// refCounters is being used for letting us know when to Close drivers. For example, if 1 driver is being shared to
// multiple tracks, we don't want to close the driver when there's another track that's still consuming the driver.
var videoRefCounters map[string]*videoRef
var audioRefCounters map[string]*audioRef

func GetUserMedia(c MediaStreamConstraints) MediaStream {}

type Track interface {
  ID() string
  Stop() error

type VideoTrack interface {

type AudioTrack interface {

type VideoSource interface {
  Close() error

type AudioSource interface {
  Close() error

func NewVideoTrack(source VideoSource) Track {
  // 1. shim source to capture error in the stream and report it through the handler
  //    that's set from OnEnded. 
  // 2. Wrap source with broadcaster
  // 3. Fill all necessary fields

// internal video track creation from driver
func newVideoTrackFromDriver(d driver.Driver) Track {
  // 1. Retrieve video.Reader from the driver
  // 2. Wrap the retrieved video.Reader and the driver into a VideoSource
  // 3. Create track by calling NewVideoTrack

// CodecSelector is preinitialized with a list of video/audio encoder builders.
// It is responsible to find desired codec and create a generic encoded Reader
type CodecSelector struct {

func (selector *CodecSelector) Populate(...) {}

func (selector *CodecSelector) selectVideoCodec(name string, track *VideoTrack) (codec.ReadCloser, err) {}
func (selector *CodecSelector) selectVideoCodec(name string, track *AudioTrack) (codec.ReadCloser, err) {}



package main

import (

	// Note: If you don't have a camera or microphone or your adapters are not supported,
	//       you can always swap your adapters with our dummy adapters below.
	// _ ""
	_ "" // This is required to register camera adapter

func main() {
	var setting webrtc.SettingEngine

	x264Params, _ := x264.NewParams()
	openh264Params, _ := openh264.NewParams()
	codecSelector, _ := mediadevices.NewCodecSelector(x264Params, openh264Params)

	// User can still modify setting to their needs here

	api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithSettingEngine(&setting))

	// Assume that we have configured the api and have proper config
	pc, _ := api.NewPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig)

	mediaStream, _ := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{
		Video: func(constraint *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
			constraint.Width = prop.Int(600)
			constraint.Height = prop.Int(400)
                Codec: codecSelector,

        // Add a custom video transformation
        videoTrack := mediaStream.GetVideoTracks()[0]
        videoTrack.TransformSource(transformFn1, transformFn2)

			Direction: webrtc.RTPTransceiverDirectionSendonly,

	// peerconnection should negotiate with the other peer
	// peerconnection should set the negotiated codec with LocalRTPTrack.setParameters()

	// mediadevices then will set the codec and attach the encoder to the pipeline. PeerConnection now can start
	// pulling encoded frames from mediadevices.

Non WebRTC

package main

import (

func main() {
       s, err := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{
		Video: func(c *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
			c.Width = 640
			c.Height = 480
       videoTrack := s.GetVideoTracks()[0]
       videoReader := videoTrack.NewReader()
       // Do whatever with this videoReader


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