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Philip Wendland edited this page Jul 31, 2016 · 6 revisions

Before the applet can be used, it must be initialized. OpenSC in the latest version must be installed to complete this procedure.

Create the PKCS#15 file structure

This step cannot be skipped. Use

pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15

to create the PKCS#15 file structure in the applet's filesystem. If you plan on using the IsoApplet in Windows using the OpenSC Minidriver, it is highly recommended to set a serial number with the --serial parameter. Choose a hexadecimal number (i.e. consisting of 0-9 and A-F characters) that is long enough (16 bytes, i.e. 32 characters is recommended) and unique among the smartcards that are to be used on your system or in your environment.

It will ask for a PIN and a PUK. If the PUK must be set (see Configuration, you can not skip by pressing enter.

Generate keys

Chose a key type and length

At the moment, 2048 Bit RSA keys and different ECC curves are supported. Note however that ECC currently does not support decryption or key derivation (e.g. ECDH), only signing. Only very recent versions of the Java Card API allow to sign pre-calculated hashes (3.0.4 - as far as I can tell there are no smartcards available that support this yet). If you use ECDSA, all the data to be signed will be sent to the card. For that reason, I would currently recommend to use RSA keys. However, the implementation provides a nice indication to what will be possible in the future! If you want to create an EC key, you should first find out which field lengths are supported by your smartcard. The JavaCard support test project project might be a good starting point. You can also have a look at the specification of your card or just try generating EC keys with the IsoApplet. The IsoApplet supports FP curves up to 521 bit, but I do not have a smartcard that I can use to test 384 bit curves or higher. If you know where one can obtain unlocked cards, please contact me ([email protected]).

If you did chose which key type to use, please do some tests before deploying anything. If you run into problems, you can contact me ([email protected]).

Key generation process

pkcs15-init --generate-key "rsa/2048" --auth-id "FF" --label "myKey" --id "1"

will generate a key with the label "myKey" and the ID 1. Use the additional parameter -u decrypt if you want to use the key for decryption. The generation may take some time. Also, the time may vary from key to key. Tests have shown results up to 2.5 minutes. Other ECC key options are:

  • ec/brainpoolP192r1
  • ec/brainpoolP224r1
  • ec/brainpoolP256r1
  • ec/brainpoolP320r1
  • ec/secp192r1, nistp192, prime192v1, ansiX9p192r1
  • ec/secp224r1, nistp224
  • ec/secp256r1, nistp256, prime256v1, ansiX9p256r1
  • ec/secp384r1, nistp384, prime384v1, ansiX9p384r1
  • secp192k1 and secp256k1 as of IsoApplet 00.06.

Check the existence of the key after the generation had been completed with

pkcs15-tool --dump

Finally, you may want to read the corresponding public key from the filesystem with

pkcs15-tool --read-public-key "01" --output "publicKey.pem"

You can, of course, also generate more than one key pair!

Uploading uninterpreted data

You may upload uninterpreted files, e.g. configuration files. If the data should be protected by the user PIN, use

pkcs15-init --store-data "file.txt" --auth-id "FF" --label "myFile"

If not, omit the --auth-id "FF" part. You can download the file again by invoking

pkcs15-tool --read-data-object "myFile" --output "welcomeBack.txt"

Delete the file with

pkcs15-init --delete-objects data --application-id "A000000063504B43532D3135" --label "myFile"

Changing the PIN

There are two different options to change the PIN:

  • Change it using the old PIN:
    pkcs15-tool --change-pin
  • Change or unblock it using the PUK:
    pkcs15-tool --unblock-pin

Reset the applet

There is no option to completely reset the applet to the pre-initialization state. You can easily reinstall the applet to accomplish this.