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Our group is T09_G11

  • Diogo Alexandre Soares Martins - 202108883 (50 %)
  • Pedro Filipe Pinho Oliveira - 202108669 (50 %)

Installation and Usage

To use this library you should use GHCI to load the file Main.hs in the src folder. You should have parsec installed, on a standard installation of haskell running cabal install parsec should be enough. It contains 2 functions to test the assembler, testAssembler and the parser, testParser.


This project consists of a parser for a small imperative programming language and an assembler to a set of low-level machine instructions, written in Haskell. The possible statements in the language are:

  • An assignment statement (e.g. x := 1;)
  • An if-then-else statement (e.g. if x > 0 then x := 1; else x := 0;)
  • A while statement (e.g. while x > 0 do x := x - 1;)
  • A sequence of statements (e.g. x := 1; y := 2;)

The arithmetic expressions can be composed of:

  • Integer constants (e.g. 1)
  • Variables (e.g. x)
  • Addition (e.g. x + 1)
  • Subtraction (e.g. x - 1)
  • Multiplication (e.g. x * 2)

The boolean expressions can be composed of:

  • Boolean constants (e.g. True)
  • Boolean comparisons (e.g. True = False)
  • Boolean negation (e.g. not True)
  • Boolean conjunction (e.g. True and False)
  • Relational operators (e.g. x <= 0, x == 0)


The project is divided into 2 parts, the parser and the interpreter. Two files are involved in the parser, Parser.hs and Compiler.hs, and one file is involved in the interpreter, Runner.hs.



The parser was implemented using the Parsec library. In this file we define the data types for the language, a lexer and a parser for each type of statement and expression, and a top-level parser for the program.

The data types created are the following:

  • Aexp: defines arithmetic expressions
  • ABinOp: dfines binary arithmetic operators
  • Bexp: defines boolean expressions
  • BBinOp: defines binary boolean operators
  • RBinOp: defines binary relational operators
  • Stmt: defines the types of statements
  • Program: defines the type of a program

We also have a language definition for the lexer, which identifes variables name syntax, reserved words and operators:

language =
    emptyDef {
        identStart = lower,
        identLetter = letter,
        reservedNames = ["if", "then", "else", "while", "do",
                        "not", "and", "True", "False"],
        reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", "*", ":=", "<=", "=", "and", "not"]

Then we have a per-type parser, which parses the input string into the corresponding data type. For example, the parser for arithmetic expressions is the following:

aExprOperators = [ [Infix (ABinary Mul <$ reservedOp "*") AssocLeft],
                   [Infix (ABinary AddOp <$ reservedOp "+") AssocLeft,
                   Infix (ABinary SubOp <$ reservedOp "-") AssocLeft]]

aExprTerm = parens aExpr <|> varParser <|> intParser

aExpr :: Parser Aexp
aExpr = buildExpressionParser aExprOperators aExprTerm

It uses the buildExpressionParser from the Parsec.Expr module to parse expressions with operators and precedence, defined in aExprOperators. The aExprTerm parser defines the possible terms in an arithmetic expression, which can be a parenthesized expression, a variable or an integer constant.

A more simple parser is the assign parser, which parses an assignment statement:

assignParser :: Parser Stm
assignParser = Assign <$> identifier <*> (reservedOp ":=" *> aExpr)

It uses the <$> operator to apply the Assign constructor to the result of the identifier parser, which parses a variable name, and the result of the aExpr parser, which parses an arithmetic expression. The reservedOp parser is used to parse the assignment operator.

The top-lever parser takes a string and parses it into a Program data type using the parse function from the Parser module, which takes a parser and a string to parse. We use the initParser parser to parse whitespaces and then start parsing the program with the statement parser:

parse :: String -> Program
parse input =
    case P.parse initParser "" input of
        Left err -> error $ show err
        Right x -> x

initParser :: Parser Stm
initParser = whiteSpace >> statement

The parser will generate an abstract syntax tree for the program, which the compiler will use to generate the machine code.


The data types defined for the machine code are the ones defined in the project proposal:

  • Inst: the instructions available
  • Code: is a list of instructions

The compiler is composed of 3 functions:

  • compA: compiles an arithmetic expression into a list of instructions
  • compB: compiles a boolean expression into a list of instructions
  • compile: compiles a statement into a list of instructions

The arithmetic expression compiler takes arithmetic expressions, which can be a integer constant, a variable or and arithmetic operation. When an arithmetic operation is found, each side of the operation is evaluated and then the instruction is added to the list. For example, the expression x + 1 is compiled into the following instructions:

compA (ABinary AddOp (Var "x") (IntVal 1)) == [Fecth "x", Push 1, Add]

The boolean expression compiler takes boolean expressions, which can be a boolean constant, a boolean comparison, a boolean negation or a boolean conjunction. Similar to the arithmetic expression compiler, when a boolean comparison is found, each side of the comparison is evaluated and then the instruction is added to the list.

Is important to note that when a arithmetic subtraction or an relational less or equal is found, the right side of the operation is evaluated first. This is because this instructions compare the top of the stack with the second element of the stack. For example, in x - 1, the result of 1 is pushed to the stack first, and then the value of x is fetched and the subtraction is performed.

The statement compiler takes statements, which can be an assignment, an if-then-else statement, a while statement or a sequence of statements.

  • Assignment: an arithmetic expression is evaluated and then the Store instruction is added to the list

  • If-then-else: a boolean expression is evaluated and then the Branch instruction is added to the list. The Branch instruction takes two lists of instructions. The result of the boolean expression determines the executed code block.

  • While: a boolean expression is evaluated and then the Loop instruction is added to the list. The Loop instruction takes two lists of instructions. The result of the boolean expression determines the executed code block.


The interpreter for the low-level machine instructions is implemented in a single file, Runner.hs.

This file contains definitions of two data structures, Stack and State, and functions to manipulate them and print them.

Stack is used to store (with the push push function) local values that will be extracted (with the top and pop functions) soon after to compute the value of an expression.

State is used to store (with the store function) variables and their values, so they can be used in future expressions or statements (with the fetch function).

These data structures are used during run-time by the run function, which interprets Code (a list of instructions), and alters the provided Stack and State and returns the final version of all three, after all code has been executed.

This function is implemented by matching the first element of Code, that is, the first Inst to one of the possible types of instruction and makes the appropriate changes to the Stack and the State as per the specification of the instruction set. Instructions that get a value from the Stack and require that value to be of a certain type, print (using the error function) a run-time error, stating what type that instruction expected to be at the top of the stack, and stop execution.

For instance, when the instruction is an addition, it gets matched in run (Add:code, stack, state), which pops two values from the Stack, adds them, pushes the result to the Stack and then calls run on the rest of the code with the current stack and state. In the case of the addition, the two values must be integers, if they're not, an run-time error message appears and execution is stopped.

The loop instruction is essentially a sequence of branches. It recursively calls Branch, and if the condition is true executes the body of the loop and the Branch instruction again, otherwise it executes a Noop and proceeds to calls run on the rest of the code with the current stack and state.



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