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This is a low-level container runtime implementation that enforces "PodSecurityContext.{SupplementalGroups ∪ FsGroup}" in containers in Pods


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This is a low-level container runtime implementation that enforces process.user.additionalGids in OCI runtime spec(config.json) passed from container-shim with the Pod's Spec.SecurityContext.{SupplementalGroups ∪ FsGroup}.

This works as a thin wrapper of existing low-level container runtime. This modifies process.user.additionalGids as below diagram:


Table of Contents


Why this is needed

TL;DR: PodSecurityContext.SupplementalGroups can be easily bypassed by crafting container images even when some policy engine enforces it by cluster administrators.

Detailed explanation follows.

Assume a multi-tenant kubernetes cluster with hostPath volumes below situations:

  • Multi-tenant model is namespace based (namespace per tenant(user/group) model)
    • access to each namespace is controlled by RBAC
  • PSP(or other policy engines) is enforced in each namespace (detail is described below)
  • A hostPath volume (say /mnt/hostpath) is maintained in all the nodes by administrators
    • with permission drwxr-xr-x nobody nogroup /mnt/hostpath
    • the directory mounts an NFS volume that is shared by all the tenants, and uids/gids are managed by the cluster admin
    • any tenant CAN create a directory under this directory
  • In each namespace below PSP is enforced by the cluster admins. below is an PSP for the namespace user-alice for user alice:
    # All the pods with mounting /mnt/hostpath` in user-alice namespace
    # this policy expects any pods in user-alice can run only with:
    # $ id
    # uid=1000,gid=1000,groups=1000,60000(group-foo)
      ranges: { min: 1000, max: 1000 } # alice's uid
      rule: MustRunAs
      ranges: { min: 1000, max: 1000 } # alice's gid
      rule: MustRunAs
      ranges: { min: 60000, max: 60000 } # alice only belongs to group-foo(gid=60000)
      rule: MustRunAs
    volumes: ["hostPath"]
    allowedHostPaths: [{ pathPrefix: /mnt/hostpath }]
  • /mnt/hostpath/bypassed-group-private directory is created by a user in bypassed-gropup(gid=50000) group
    • with permission drwxrws--- root 50000 bypassed-group-private
    • i.e. this directory is expected fully private for bypassed-group(gid=50000) group members

When user alice creates a pod with a custom image like this:

  • container image bypassing-supplementalgroups-image:
    FROM ubuntu:22.04
    # alice belongs to bypassed-group(gid=50000) in this image
    # NOTE: alice does NOT belong to the group in the cluster
    RUN groupadd -g 50000 bypassed-group \
      && useradd -m -u 1000 alice \
      && gpasswd -a alice bypassed-group
  • Pod:
    apiGroup: v1
    kind: Pod
      namespace: user-alice
      name: bypassing-supplementalgroups-pod
        runAsUser: 1000
        runAsGroup: 1000
        supplementalGroups: [60000]
      - name: nfs
          path: /mnt/hostpath
    - image: bypassing-supplementalgroups-image # alice belongs to bypassed-group(gid=50000) in this image


  • bypassing-supplementalgroups-pod satisfies the PSP which is enforced by the cluster admin.
  • However, processes in bypassing-supplementalgroups-pod pod can have below identity
    # NOTE: gid=50000 is NOT included in supplementalGroups but only in container image.
    $ id
    uid=1000, gid=1000, groups=1000,60000(group-foo),50000(bypassed-group)
  • the process CAN get access to /mnt/hostpath/bypassed-group-private which is not expected by PSP.

Why this happens

In kubernetes API, Pod.SecurityContext.SupplementalGroups defines:

Field Desription
integer array
A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container. Note that this field cannot be set when is windows.

The description is a bit ambiguous but this can be read as just adding gids in SupplementalGroups to gids for specified uid defined in container image to the first process run in each container. Actually, most of popular CRI implementations (e.g. containerd, cri-o) behaves like this.

You can be easily check this behavior by kind. Please see getting-started directory.

How This Works by Example

Because CRI implementations merges gids defined in container image and supplementalGroups in OCI runtime spec(config.json), this container enforces SupplementalGroups by overwriting passed OCI runtime spec.

When, user alice creates bypassing-supplementalgroups-pod Pod with bypassing-supplementalgroups-image described in "Why this is needed" section:

However, any popular CRI implementations (conatinerd, cri-o) generates OCI runtime spec json(config.json) below:

  "ociVersion": "1.0.2-dev",
  "process": {
    "user": {
      "uid": 1000,
      "gid": 1000,
      # CRI merge groups gids for uid=1000
      "additionalGids": [
        50000, # bypssed-group defined in container image (uid=1000 belongs to it)
        60000  # defined in supplemental groups

Thus, this low-level container runtime overwrites passed runtime spec json with below to enforce process.user.additionalGids with Spec.SecurityContext.{SupplementalGroups ∪ FsGroup} (Note: FsGroup is defined as "A special supplemental group that applies to all containers in a pod"):

  "ociVersion": "1.0.2-dev",
  "process": {
    "user": {
      "uid": 1000,
      "gid": 1000,
      # this low-level container runtime eliminates gids not in Spec.SecurityContext.{SupplementalGroups  FsGroup}
      # note: FsGroup is treated as a special group for supplemental groups
      "additionalGids": [

Getting Started

See getting-started directory.


build container image

make build-docker-image

make configuration file for strict-supplementalgroups-container-runtime

Configuration file is written in toml format. See pkg/config/types.go for configuration data structure. Or, see [deploy/config] folder for example configuration.


strict-supplementalgroups-container-runtime ships an installer script. This script can be deployed as a DaemonSet to your cluster. The installer script

  • installs the container runtime binary to the host
  • adds strict-supplementalgroups runtime to your low level container runtime (supported containerd and cri-o only for underlying container runtime). (You can change the name with --cri-config-patch cli option. See cmd/ for details.)
  • restart the underlying container runtime
  • NOTE: you will need to create RuntimeClass for this runtime by yourself unless you override default runtime.

See deploy directory and customize this to your cluster.



  • kubectl
  • kustomize
  • kind
  • goimports
  • golangci-lint


make build


make test


e2e test runs on kind cluster and test this runtime works as expected both on containerd and cri-o.

make e2e
# make e2e-clean


This tag the commit and push to origin. Release pipeline will be run in Github Actions.

make release RELEASE=true RELEASE_TAG=vX.Y.Z


Copyright 2022 Preferred Networks, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


The internal implementation is inspired by NVIDIA Container Toolkit.


This is a low-level container runtime implementation that enforces "PodSecurityContext.{SupplementalGroups ∪ FsGroup}" in containers in Pods





