IRCZT is a testing IRC server. It operates as a simple IRC server and implements a set of local bots with randomized behaviour. The bots are able to join+leave channels and send "Lorem ipsum"-style messages to joined channels.
The server is intended as a traffic generator for testing IM clients. It was primarily created for testing chat support in CenterIM 5. The server implements a subset of RFC 1459 and RFC 2812, mostly what is used by libpurple of the Pidgin project.
IRCZT is written in the Zig programming language. Pre-compiled Zig binaries can be obtained from its download page. The IRCZT code has been tested with Zig 0.7.0.
To start IRCZT, run the following command from the project's top directory:
zig build run
The server by default listens on This can be changed in
The program can be gracefully terminated by pressing <Enter>
This project is released under the terms of the MIT License.