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Create a SPA using with CountryAPI - Remix - Typescript

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This file is the entry point of my application. It uses Apollo Client's useQuery hook to fetch data from a GraphQL server. The GraphQL query, defined using the gql template literal, fetches information about a specific country with the code "BR." The data is then displayed on the screen.

COUNTRIES_QUERY: The GraphQL query for fetching country data.

Index(): The main React component that fetches and displays the country data. It handles loading and error states using the useQuery hook.


This file contains the client-side code for my application. It sets up Apollo Client, fetches data from a GraphQL server, and displays a list of countries. It also includes filtering and grouping functionality based on user input.

COUNTRIES_QUERY: The GraphQL query for fetching a list of countries.

applyFilterAndGroup(): A function for filtering and grouping country data based on user input.

Client(): The main React component that fetches and displays the list of countries. It handles loading, error states, filtering, and grouping.

client: An instance of Apollo Client configured to connect to the GraphQL server.


This file is responsible for server-side rendering (SSR) using Remix. It renders the initial HTML markup for the application when a request is made to the server.

handleRequest(): The server request handler function that renders the initial HTML markup using Remix Server. Getting Started Provide instructions on how to run and set up your project locally. Include any prerequisites, installation steps, and configuration if necessary.

Usage Explain how to use my application, including any features or functionality. Provide examples if applicable.