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DataPushGateway is an advanced integration tool designed for managing and organizing supplementary data within Perforce server environments. It primarily functions by sorting and structuring data provided by external tools such as command-runner or, which are integral to the p4prometheus suite. This tool is key in organizing and presenting data in a coherent format, especially Markdown (MD) files, and stores them within a Perforce server, thereby aiding in tracking changes within the Helix Core server ecosystem.

The tool streamlines the process of consolidating server activities and configurations, making it a vital component for efficient data management in Perforce server ecosystems. Its integration with Helix Core versioning control software significantly enhances its capability to handle version-controlled data.

DataPushGateway is especially valuable for organizations that prioritize organized, well-documented server data, transforming raw supplementary data into structured documentation for easy access and comprehension by server administrators and auditors.

Support Status

This is currently a Community Supported Perforce tool.


DataPushGateway forms part of a comprehensive solution including the following components:

Technical Overview

DataPushGateway serves as a companion to Prometheus Pushgateway, focusing on the management and organization of arbitrary data related to customer and instance names. It's primarily designed to be wrapped by a script that periodically checks in the result, with or command-runner being the primary clients pushing data to this tool.

Key Features and Functions:

  • Configurable Authentication and Port Settings: Allows configuration through command-line flags for authentication files and port settings.
  • HTTP Server Setup: Sets up an HTTP server to handle incoming requests, with middleware for logging connection details.
  • Data Processing and Endpoints: Features endpoints for operational status confirmation and handling JSON and general data with basic authentication.
  • Data Validation and Storage: Validates customer and instance names and saves received data to the filesystem.
  • Perforce Integration: Synchronizes the saved data and submits it to a Perforce Helix Core Server (via configurable user/workspace)
  • Server Administrators and Auditors:
    • Easily locate and review configurations or system information.
    • Monitor server health, configuration changes, and system updates.
  • Automated Documentation:
    • Streamlines documentation of server setups and changes.
    • Facilitates better management of server environments.

Detailed Installation Instructions

Create a DataPushGateway Bot User:

  1. Create a new user (e.g., bot_HRA_instance_monitor) on your Perforce server for DataPushGateway to use. This user will be responsible for submitting changes. This user should be part of a user group with the Timeout set to Unlimited
  2. Ensure this user/group has the necessary permissions to create and submit changes to the depot.

Create a Perforce Client Workspace:

  1. Set up a Perforce client workspace for the bot user. Here’s an example client specification:

    Client: bot_HRA_instance_monitor_ws
    Owner: bot_HRA_instance_monitor
    Root: /home/datapushgateway/data-dir
    Options: allwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir noaltsync
    SubmitOptions: leaveunchanged
    LineEnd: local
        //datapushgateway/... //bot_HRA_instance_monitor_ws/...
  2. Adjust the Root and View as per your server setup. The Root should match the directory where DataPushGateway will store its data.

Before starting the DataPushGateway, you need to set up the config.yaml file with the appropriate settings:

  1. Set the P4CONFIG path in the config.yaml file. This path points to your .p4config file which contains necessary Perforce settings. Add the following line to config.yaml:
  P4CONFIG: /home/datapushgateway/github-local/datapushgateway/p4stuff/.p4config
  1. Edit .p4config file in the directory defined in the config.yaml
  1. Ensure that other settings in config.yaml are correctly configured according to your environment and requirements.

The auth.yaml file needs to be configured with user credentials encrypted using bcrypt. This file is used for basic authentication when accessing DataPushGateway. Follow these steps to set up the auth.yaml file:

  1. Generate a Bcrypt Encrypted Password:

    Use the mkpasswd binary located in the tools directory to create a bcrypt encrypted password. Run the following command in the terminal:

Follow the prompts to enter and confirm your password. The command will output a bcrypt encrypted password.

  1. Configure auth.yaml:

Open the auth.yaml file and add your username and the bcrypt encrypted password in the following format:

  your_username: [bcrypt encrypted password]
  1. Start DataPushGateway with Authentication and Data Directory:

    To start the DataPushGateway, use the following command, specifying the auth.yaml file and the data directory path:

./datapushgateway --auth.file=auth.yaml --data=/home/datapushgateway/data-dir

The --debug flag is optional and enables detailed logging.

When you run DataPushGateway for the first time, the tool automatically manages the login process for the bot user (bot_HRA_instance_monitor). This includes handling passwords, tickets, and trusts as needed to ensure the user has valid credentials and permissions to submit changes to the depot.

If the bot user's password is required during this process, DataPushGateway will prompt for it. This step is crucial for verifying that the bot user can access the depot and has the necessary permissions to submit changes.

After this initial setup, DataPushGateway should operate autonomously, handling subsequent logins and permissions without manual intervention.

Log Generation

./datapushgateway --auth.file=auth.yaml --data=/home/datapushgateway/data-dir > datapushgateway.log 2>&1 &

DataPushGateway Files and Sorting Process via the JSON endpoint

Overview of config.yaml Structure

File Configurations (file_configs)

Each entry under file_configs represents a Markdown file to be generated with specific components:

  • file_name: Name of the Markdown file with %INSTANCE% as a dynamic placeholder.
  • directory: Directory path for file storage, supporting %INSTANCE% placeholder.
  • monitor_tags: List of tags for categorizing data into the respective file.

File Categorization Process

Dynamic Naming and Directory Paths

  • %INSTANCE% placeholder allows for dynamic creation of file names and directories based on the Perforce server instance.

Tag-Based Sorting

  • Incoming data is processed and categorized based on monitor_tags.
  • Each tag corresponds to a specific type of data or metric.

Examples of File Configurations

Instance-Specific Server Reports

  • file_name: HRA-%INSTANCE%
    • Comprehensive report for each instance including OS tests, disk alerts, server info, and Perforce configurations.
  • directory: servers
    • Stored in the servers directory.

Support Related Information

  • file_name: support
    • Gathers data like disk alerts, server configurations for support.
  • directory: servers/%INSTANCE%
    • Stored in a subdirectory named after the instance under servers.

Detailed Configuration and System Information

  • Separate files for triggers, extensions, properties, each with specific monitor_tags.
  • Organized under servers/%INSTANCE%/info.

Documentation Format

  • Markdown files include relevant data categorized under respective monitor_tags.
  • Structured format for quick reference and understanding of server configurations and status.

DataPushGateway Handling via the /data/ Endpoint

Overview of /data/ Endpoint Functionality

The /data/ endpoint in DataPushGateway is specialized for direct Markdown data processing, primarily sourced from scripts like This feature ensures efficient handling and organization of supplementary server data within the Perforce environment.

Core Functionalities of the /data/ Endpoint

  1. Data Reception and Authentication:

    • Primarily handles POST requests with Markdown-formatted data.
    • Requires basic HTTP authentication to ensure secure and authorized access.
  2. Parameter Handling and Verification:

    • Extracts and validates customer and instance details from the query string.
    • Ensures integrity and correctness of the provided parameters for data categorization.
  3. Markdown Data Processing:

    • Receives and processes Markdown data from the body of the request.
    • Efficiently stores and categorizes the data based on customer and instance specifications in the designated dataDir.
  4. Integration with Perforce Systems:

    • Seamlessly synchronizes stored data with Perforce for consistent version control.
    • Enhances traceability and management of server-related documentation within Perforce.
  5. Operational Transparency and Debugging:

    • Comprehensive logging of the process for operational clarity and debugging purposes.
    • Facilitates troubleshooting and maintains a clear audit trail of actions.

API Documentation

DataPushGateway offers a set of HTTP endpoints designed for managing and organizing supplementary data in Perforce server environments. These endpoints facilitate the reception, processing, and synchronization of data with Perforce.


1. Home Endpoint

  • URL: /
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Provides operational status confirmation, returning a simple message indicating DataPushGateway's active status.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK - Returns "Data PushGateway\n" upon successful connection.

2. JSON Data Handling Endpoint

  • URL: /json/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Processes JSON formatted data related to customer and instance names.
  • Authentication: Requires basic HTTP authentication.
  • Request Parameters: None.
  • Request Body: JSON formatted data.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK - Data processed successfully.
    • Error messages and status codes for various failures.

3. Data Submission and Synchronization Endpoint

  • URL: /data/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Submits data for saving and synchronization with Perforce. Validates customer and instance names.
  • Authentication: Requires basic HTTP authentication.
  • Query Parameters:
    • customer - Specifies the customer name.
    • instance - Specifies the instance name.
  • Request Body: Arbitrary data.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK - Data saved and synced successfully with confirmation message.
    • 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing customer/instance names.
    • 401 Unauthorized - Authentication failure.
    • 500 Internal Server Error - Failures in saving or syncing data.


  • Both the /json/ and /data/ endpoints require basic HTTP authentication.
  • Users must provide a valid username and password as configured in the auth.yaml file.

Development Notes and TODO :

  • Logging and Debugging: Utilizes logrus for logging with a focus on enhancing logging functionality. Debugging mode can be enabled through a flag.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling around data reading, saving, and syncing with Perforce.
  • Command-Line Interface: Uses kingpin.v2 for CLI handling, with various configuration flags.


  • Better User management
  • submit on directory attached to user
  • Bug with directory structure and file names seems to run over each other