Update multiple records with different values in an optimized number of queries.
This differs from activerecord-import because the latter issues a INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
statement which re-inserts the record if it happens to have been deleted in a other thread.
Include in your Gemfile: gem 'activerecord_batch_update'
cat1 = Cat.create!(name: 'Felix', birthday: '1990-03-13')
cat2 = Cat.create!(name: 'Garfield', birthday: '1978-06-19')
cat3 = Cat.create!(name: 'Daisy', birthday: '1970-01-01')
cat1.birthday = '2024-01-01'
cat2.birthday = '2024-06-06'
cat3.birthday = '1900-01-01'
Cat.batch_update([cat1, cat2, cat3], columns: :all) # issues a single SQL query
The SQL query looks like the following:
WITH "batch_updates" (birthday, id) AS (
VALUES (CAST('2024-01-01' AS date), CAST(1 AS INTEGER)), ('2024-06-06', 2), ('1900-01-01', 3),
UPDATE "cats"
"birthday" = "batch_updates"."birthday"
FROM "batch_updates"
"cats"."id" = "batch_updates"."id"
Specify which columns to update (all columns are included by default):
cat1.name = 'Lilly'
cat1.birthday = '2024-01-01'
cat2.birthday = '2023-06-06'
Cat.batch_update([cat1, cat2], columns: %i[birthday])
Ignore model validations (all validations run by default):
cat1.name = ''
cat2.name = ''
Cat.batch_update([cat1, cat2], columns: :all, validate: false)
Specify a different batch size (100 by default):
Cat.batch_update(cats, columns: :all, batch_size: 1000)
Generate the relevant SQL statements:
Cat.batch_update_statements([{id: 1, name: 'Lilly'}, {id: 2, name: 'John'}]).each do |query|