- Install HTCondor
- Install Pegasus WMS
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd difmap
./run.sh ../data/uvfits ../scripts
# Monitor workflow
pegasus-status -w -l dags/${USER}/pegasus/eht-difmap/runXXXX
# Outputs
ls -ltrh dags/output
cd eht-imaging
./run.sh ../data/uvfits ../scripts
# Monitor workflow
pegasus-status -w -l dags/${USER}/pegasus/eht-imaging/runXXXX
# Outputs
ls -ltrh dags/output
cd smili
./run.sh ../data/uvfits ../scripts
# Monitor workflow
pegasus-status -w -l dags/${USER}/pegasus/eht-smili/runXXXX
# Outputs
ls -ltrh dags/output
- The
workflow fails with anIllegal Instruction
error. To fix this disableUse Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
checkbox in Docker settings. - The
workflow might fail if theUse Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
checkbox is disabled Docker settings.
Ria Patel, Brandan Roachell, Silvina Caıno-Lores, Charles Ketron, Jacob Leonard, Nigel Tan, Karan Vahi, Duncan Brown, Ewa Deelman, and Michela Taufer. Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE), 5(24):42–52, 2022. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10040660.
Ross Ketron, Jacob Leonard, Brandan Roachell, Ria Patel, Rebecca White, Silvina Caíno- Lores, Nigel Tan, Patrick Miles, Karan Vahi, Ewa Deelman, Duncan A. Brown, and Michela Taufer. A Case Study in Scientific Reproducibility from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on eScience, pages 1–2, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2021. IEEE Computer Society. (Short paper). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/eScience51609.2021.00045.
This study was funded by the NSF’s Award Abstract #2331152 Collaborative Research: SHF: Small: Model-driven Design and Optimization of Dataflows for Scientific Applications.
Please contact Drs. Ewa Deelman ([email protected]) or Michela Taufer ([email protected]) for information on the workflow and the reproducibility of the results.