CAT PowerShell scripts written to gather statistical data from a Windows machine and pipe that data into a Graphite instance.
- Get-SoftwareStats.ps1
- Gather information about what software (processes) are being run. The script counts the total number of running instances of a particular process and then sends the counts to Graphite.
- Get-RDPStats.ps1
- Counts the number of users currently logged into the machine by using psloggedon ( then sends that count to Graphite.
- Get-CPUStats.ps1
- Gets the current load percentage snapshot for each CPU from WMI and then sends those percentages to Graphite.
- Get-MemStats.ps1
- Gets the current free available physical memory and the maximum available physical memory from WMI, creates an in-use percentage value and then sends that percentage to Graphite.
- March 4, 2013 - When creating the list of running processes to send to Graphite a process named the empty string is sent also.