Hello! Welcome to the Viking Robotics Flying/Swimming Bicopter project! This is a two-rotor flying machine that will eventually swim. An example of a working bicopter can be seen here.
Another one can be seen here.
The first step is to get the thing built and flying. The second step is to get it waterproofed and swimming. But one thing at a time!
Currently, we are assembling our 3D printed frame. We are also assembling the electronics (power distribution board, PixHawk, ESCs, rotors, and digital servos). Once we have these things working in harmony, we will begin test flights.
The code/firmware will be compiled with Mission Planner of the Ardupilot project
This is only a bare-bones readme. Will update it as the project goes on!
The next step in the project is to connect the bicopter frame together and hook up the electronics.
After that we will program the pixhawk (easier said than done) and do a test flight!
Check out the issue tracker for more details. Also have a look at the projects.