Workout Planner
- Consist of {Capability Classifier Model (CCM), Schedule Generator (SG)}
- Posits a workout schedule for 1 month
- The output is determined by the data inputted by the user, currently ['Gender', 'Height', 'Weight'] for CCM and ['Freq/Week', 'Day Start', 'WO Time'] for SG other head are not yet included
- Posits a percentage of capability 0 to 100%
- Later used to calculate the ideal reps in a particular workout
- First posits a workout plan consist of 3 Workout: PushUp, SitUp, JumpingJack with reps determinded by scaling the floor to ceil of workout by the capability score value
- Then posits a workout schedule in the forms of dataframe ['exercise no.', 'plan', 'sets', 'date', 'starts', 'end']
- Workout plan generated every month with updated user's data
A Visualization of The Data
500 data in total
Sets Scheme:
- Week 1: 2 Reps
- Week 2: 3 Reps
- Week 3: 3 Reps
- Week 4: 4 Reps
Here are the dependencies and libraries needed to run the notebook
- Python
- TensorFlow
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
Workout Planner/Capability Classifier
: Directory containing the notebook and outputs for Capability Classifier.Workout Planner/Schedule Generator
: Directory containing the notebook and outputs for Schedule Generator.
The dataset used for the model can be found here