The POC (Proof-of-Concept) code is currently being used to make a simple file encryption program. Read through in order to see step-by-step on how AES-128 works. Run "" file to create binary files.
In the AES-CTR folder, there are two implementations of CTR mode in two languages. One is written in C, and the other is written in x86 assembly.
Note that they are both natively for Linux.
Also note that x86 assembly implementation does not compile in an ARM environment. (One might need to port that somehow.) Also, This implementation was written without a regard for optimization. This issue might be resolved later.
C implementation is highly recommended.
Run "./" or "bash" for either of the implementation to create a folder called "bin" and binaries inside.
For the C implementation, you can somewhat easily port it to Windows version by changing the <sys/stat.h> with an Windows equivalent, or using a while loop to avoid using a separate header to determine the size of the input file altogether.