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Build and run jasmine specs using webpack

Heavily inspired by the excellent grunt-contrib-jasmine.

Getting started

This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-jasmine-webpack --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Jasmine Webpack task

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.



Type: String

The location and file name of the spec runner generated. Defaults to ./_SpecRunner.html.


Type: Boolean

Whether or not to keep the spec runner file once the process has finished. Defaults to false.

This is useful if you need to see any output from the console. You can open the spec runner file in a browser.


Type: Boolean

Whether or not to run the tests in phantomjs after the webpack build. If this is true, options.keepRunner will be set to true as well. This is useful for combining with (grunt-contrib-connect)[] to run the tests in a browser.

Defaults to false.


Type: Array<String>

Helper files to include in the spec runner.


Type: Array<String>

Vendor files to include in the spec runner.


Type: Array<String>

Polyfill files to include in the spec runner.


Type: Object

Config for webpack, defaults:

    devtool: 'eval',
    output: {
        path: '.grunt/grunt-jasmine-webpack/specs',
        filename: '[name].js',
        libraryTarget: 'var'


Type: Array<String>

CSS stylesheets to include in the spec runner.


Type: String

Template file to use to run the tests. This will be compiled using _.template(). Defaults to grunt-jasmine-webpack/tasks/templates/SpecRunner.tmpl.


Type: Object

Any extra options that should be passed to the template file. Note that if no template file is given these will be ignored.


Type: String

* `full` Displays full test description and results
* `short` Displays short characters to represent test results
* `none` Does not display any test results

Defaults to 'full'


Type: Boolean

Will display a count of all passed, failed, and skipped tests

Defaults to true


Type: Number

Number of milliseconds for PhantomJS to wait before timing out and failing the suite.

Defaults to 5000

Usage examples

jasmine_webpack: {
    main: {
        options: {
            specRunnerDest: '_test/SpecRunner.html',
            webpack: {
                module: {
                    loaders: [{ test: /\.jsx$/, 'jsx' }]
                resolve: {
                    modulesDirectories: ['_test/js']
            keepRunner: true,
            vendor: ['path/to/vendor/file.js'],
            styles: ['path/to/css/styles.css']
        src: './src/js/test/**/*.test.js'


It's possible to filter by test files & within that suites & specs. To do that use the --filter option when running the task. E.g.

> # Filter by test file(s)
> grunt jasmine_webpack --filter="MyTestFile*"
> # Filter by suite
> grunt jasmine_webpack --filter="MyTestFile*:my suite"
> # Filter by spec
> grunt jasmine_webpack --filter="MyTestFile*:my suite:my spec"


npm run lint will run ESLint and should be run before submitting a pull request.


  • Unit tests
  • Figure out why phantomjs doesn't exit cleanly all the time - Fixed in v0.2.1.

Release History

  • 2017-06-07 v1.0.0 Merged #21 - enables support for webpack 2. This is a breaking change and therefore a major version bump.
  • 2017-04-14 v0.10.0 Merged #20 - support for console output from tests
  • 2017-02-03 v0.9.0 Merges #19 & fixes #18
  • 2016-08-04 v0.8.0 Merges #17 & adds example for short display.
  • 2016-05-24 v0.7.0 Merges #13 & adds coffee script examples.
  • 2016-02-19 v0.6.0 Bump grunt-lib-phantomjs version
  • 2016-01-29 v0.5.0 Allows custom templates to be used
  • 2016-01-27 v0.4.0 Adds support for filtering suites & specs. Increments jasmine and webpack versions.
  • 2015-11-22 v0.3.0 Adds logging for skipped specs & suites. Use eslint instead of jshint. Upgrade dependencies.
  • 2015-11-02 v0.2.2 Fixes bug where task fails if webpack build fails.
  • 2015-10-19 v0.2.1 Fixes bug with phantomjs not exiting cleanly.
  • 2015-06-24 v0.2.0 Adds norun option and npm installation instructions to README.
  • 2015-06-20 v0.1.0 Initial release.


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