This tool helps analyse Java method call hierarchies of a given method/methods. It will generate a dot graph illustrating the call graph, which can be further visualised by tools like WebGraphviz
Usage: ./ -c classpath <className>
-c --classpath classpath of the classes under analysis
<className> full qualified className
./ -c /home/yihan/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.jankroken/commandline/1.7.0/c5edda82e1cae51c6af3efd54b52c496ace9f97c/commandline-1.7.0.jar com.github.jankroken.commandline.domain.OptionSet
Usage: ./ -c classpath [-p <package1>:<package2>] [-o <>] <method1> [<method2>]
-c --classpath classpath of the classes under analysis
-p --packages packages to be included, optional, will derive from methods is not specified
-o --output output file, optional, will use standard output if nto specified
<method> method signature from, at least one is required
./ -c /home/yihan/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.jankroken/commandline/1.7.0/c5edda82e1cae51c6af3efd54b52c496ace9f97c/commandline-1.7.0.jar -p com.github.jankroken.commandline 'com.github.jankroken.commandline.domain.OptionSet:consumeOptions(Lcom/github/jankroken/commandline/domain/Tokenizer;)'
If an interface only has one implementation in the classpath, then calls to the methods on this interface will be seen calls directly to the methods on its implementation. For interfaces with more than two implementations, it is hard to decide which implementation to follow, so this auto matching delegation cannot be done.