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Release and testing process

zuzelvp edited this page Apr 5, 2012 · 2 revisions

Release / testing process (two weeks timeframe):

  • Features Spec'd out added to dev sprint before sprint starts
  • Dev and addition of automate tests happens during first week and a half of the sprint -- before last tech call of the sprint
  • As things get finished, they're pushed out to alpha by Zuzel or Dirk who ping the feature owner
  • Test-drive demos on the last tech call of the sprint
  • Developer who pushes out the code to alpha lets dev and community lists know, and invites people to test-drive
  • Zuzel shares progress and demo links on the community call
  • Feature owner verifies developed features between tech call and Friday (sharing feedback with developers as soon as possible so there is time for last minute fixes)
  • Last minute fixes according to product owner and bug fixes are implemented on or before Friday. This is also a good point for translators to chime in.
  • Zuzel deploys to production on the weekend making sure non-ready functionality is temporarily disabled.
  • Include new features and improvements in next newsletter
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