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Release 1.0 change list

zuzelvp edited this page Jul 11, 2011 · 10 revisions

Including releases 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 which happened half way though the milestone (before the start of MoJo learning labs).

Kinds of Learning Projects

  • After a month allowing free selection of the kind of learning project users wanted to create we included native support for two kinds of learning projects: study groups and courses.


  • Courses are the choice for organizers how want to have an instructor like role and hence need to restrict participants so they:
    • Can not create new tasks.
    • Can not edit existing tasks by default (i.e., tasks are non-collaborative by default)
    • Can not reorder tasks and links
  • The other kinds of learning projects work like a study group (which is the default category) in which the differences between organizers and participants are kept to a minimum to promote peer2peer learning.
  • Now that organizers can include a description with the term they select, we will keep monitoring users choices to select other kinds of learning projects to support by default.

Discussions on the Wall

  • In order to allow discussions not related to tasks we now allow users to reply to activities in the wall.
  • Permissions depend on the context of the activity:
    • If the activity is part of a group/course only participants can reply
    • If the activity is not part of a group/course (i.e. only lives on a user profile/dashboard) the people that the author is following can reply to it.

replying to activity from a group/course discussion thread in a group/course discussion thread out of a group/course

Wall Filters

  • Group/course's home pages, profiles, and dashboard are now provided with filters that facilitate browsing through the activity displayed in their walls.

group wall

Embedded IRC Chat

  • Links from the user main menu and the groups/courses' sidebar invite the users to join irc chat channels related to them: courses organizing/participating/following, schools organizing or related to the groups/courses following, and general community channel.

group sidebar chat link user menu chat link chat connect chat window


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