If your k8s-apiserver is running at localhost:8080
with no auth:
docker run --net=host ozdanborne/k8s-e2e
Otherwise, volume mount your own kubeconfig:
docker run --net=host -v ~/.kube/config:/root/kubeconfig ozdanborne/k8s-e2e
docker run --net=host -e FOCUS='Conformance' ozdanborne/k8s-e2e
XML test results will be output to /result
in the container. Volume mount this
directory onto the host to view results once the container has finished:
docker run --net=host -v ./result:/result ozdanborne/k8s-e2e
docker build -t ozdanborne/k8s-e2e:dev .
Docker builds use multi-stage builds and do not leave a binary on the host. If you need a binary on the host, you must manually build it (see next section).
Install glide dependencies:
glide install -v
Generate go-bindata for Kubernetes:
pushd vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes go-bindata \ -pkg generated -ignore .jpg -ignore .png -ignore .md \ ./examples/* ./docs/user-guide/* test/e2e/testing-manifests/kubectl/* test/images/* mv bindata.go test/e2e/generated popd
Build e2e.test
go test -o e2e.test -c .