n4store is a simple http client for 4store
$ npm install n4store
Create a 4store kb
$ 4s-backend-setup demo
$ 4s-backend demo
$ 4s-httpd -p 10000 demo
# 4store endPoint
endPoint = ""
# create the 4store client
n4store = require('n4store').createClient endPoint
# GET: sparql query
n4store.get """
SELECT ?s ?p ?o
?s ?p ?o
, (err, sparql) ->
# sparql is json results
console.log sparql
n4store.post """
GRAPH <urn:agraph> {
<urn:aresource> <urn:apredicate> "a literal"
, (err, body) ->
console.log body
# delete a graph
n4store.delete <urn:agraph>, (err) ->
# graph is deleted
n4store.postData """
<urn:aresource> <urn:apredicate> "a literal"
, "urn:agraph"
, (err) ->
# data is appended to the graph
, "turtle" # format
# append local file content to a graph
n4store.postFile "my-file.ttl"
, "urn:agraph" # if null graph will be <urn:my-file.tll>
, (err) ->
# file content is appended to the graph
, "turtle" # format
# postFiles: append local files content to a graph
n4store.postFiles ["my-file.ttl", "my-other-file.ttl"]
, "urn:agraph" # if null graph will be <urn:*.tll>
, (err) ->
# files content is appended to the graph
, "turtle" # format
# replace data in a graph
n4store.put """
<urn:aresource> <urn:apredicate> "a literal"
, "urn:agraph"
, (err) ->
# data is replaced
, "turtle" # format
# replace the content of a graph by the file content
n4store.putFile "my-file.ttl"
, "urn:agraph" # if null graph will be <urn:my-file.tll>
, (err) ->
# file content is replaced in the graph
, "turtle" # format
# replace the content of graphs by the files content
n4store.putFiles ["my-file.ttl", "my-other-file.ttl"]
, null
, (err) ->
# files content is replaced in graphs
, "turtle" # format
# return a turtle graph
n4store.construct """
?s ?p ?o
?s ?p ?o
, (err, turtle) ->
console.log turtle
# ASK request
n4store.ask """
?s foaf:name "Alice"
""", (err, bool) ->
console.log bool # true or false
# getGraphs: return an array of graphs URIs
n4store.getGraphs (err, uris) ->
# array of all graphs URIs
# getTypes: return an array of types URIs
n4store.getTypes (err, uris) ->
# array of all types URIs
# setPrefix add a new prefix in the client prefixes list
n4store.setPrefix 'test', 'http://test.com/', (err) ->
# prefixes: object of prefixes used for queries
console.log n4store.prefixes