This project is an example for:
- Using Sphinx to document the code
- writing Unit-tests
- Running CI with GitLab
- Using CMake
- ...
As Sphinx-Fortran at this point doesn't support Python 3, we start off with a Python-2 based conda environment:
$ conda create -n sphinx_fortran python=2
Fetching package metadata ...........
# To activate this environment, use:
# > source activate sphinx_fortran
# To deactivate an active environment, use:
# > source deactivate
$ source activate sphinx_fortran
(sphinx_fortran)$ conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
# The latest release of sphinx-fortran on PyPi does not work with
# Sphinx 1.6b1 or newer.
# (sphinx_fortran)$ pip install sphinx-fortran
# Install master from GitHub instead:
(sphinx_fortran)$ git clone
(sphinx_fortran)$ cd sphinx-fortran
(sphinx_fortran)$ python install
$ mkdir Example_Fortran
$ cd Example_Fortran
$ mkdir src
$ wget
$ mv md_gprof.f90 src/
(sphinx_fortran) Example_Fortran $ echo '**/_build/' >> .gitignore
(sphinx_fortran) Example_Fortran $ mkdir docs
(sphinx_fortran) Example_Fortran $ cd docs
(sphinx_fortran) docs $ sphinx-quickstart
# leaving all values at their default except for:
> Project name: Example Fortran Project
> Author name(s): John Doe
(sphinx_fortran) docs $ make html
(sphinx_fortran) docs $ firefox _build/html/index.html
- Un-comment the following lines under "Path Setup":
import os
import sys
- Add
to the extensions:
extensions = [
- Add the following configurations for sphinx-fortran e.g. to the end:
# List of possible extensions in the case of a directory listing
fortran_ext = ['f90', 'F90', 'f95', 'F95']
# This variable must be set with file pattern, like "*.f90", or a list of them.
# It is also possible to specify a directory name; in this case, all files than
# have an extension matching those define by the config variable `fortran_ext`
# are used.
fortran_src = os.path.abspath('../src/')
# Indentation string or length (default 4). If it is an integer,
# indicates the number of spaces.
fortran_indent = 4