TODO list:
Biggest priority: setup all three views (map, calendar, list), with dynamic updating, so when a new post is posted the view automatically refreshes w/o any user control.
- Make an option for the user to create a new tribe.
- Implement the table view for a user's events.
- Implement the calendar view for a user's events.
- Create PFObjects for tribes. (They need a list of users (PFUsers) and a list of posts (PFObjects).
- Have each PFUser object store a list of ids of the tribes they are a part of.
- Allow user to decide post location when creating a post.
- Allow dynamic resizing (dragging) on the map view for user's event filter.
- On map view, show title and type of each post. (possible color coding?)
- Make bots for scraping event (RSS) feeds.
- Make logo (for hive?).
- Setup website equivalent.