For some people it is simply convinient to open the apartment door via a web application. Some reasons may be: Lots of visitors to a certain time (let them all in if needed), being handicapped (no need to go to the door to open it) or simply being lazy :-).
The best use case for OpenDoor exists of a front door that is controlled by a intercom system (in my case a Siedle HTA 811-0W) and the door to the apartment. OpenDoor is able to open both doors through a Raspi Zero that is connected to the Siedle. An electromechanical door opener controls the apartment door and does the Voodoo (Hörmann PortaMatic).
Most likely you have a different hardware setup. To make OpenDoor to work with it, you must provide 3 functions:
- On one of the Raspi GPIO inputs you must detect doorbell ringing
- One GPIO output controls the relais for the front door (release buzzer for 5 sec)
- The other GPIO output controls the relais for the apatment door (parallel to the door opener switch)
- Open front or apartment door through a Web Interface
- HTTPS-WebServer with basic Authentication for the Web Interface
- User dependent authorizations for API usage
- Weekly time based open actions when someone rings the bell
- Web notifications when the door bell rings
- Logging ringing and who opened which door at a time
- English and German language support
- Mobile ready
- Nginx Web server as a reverse proxy for the used Thin application server
- A Sinatra app using Ruby and Thin with Web-Sockets for notifications
- Haml, Bootstrap 3 and Javascript for the Web-Front-End
- SQLite3 for persistent data storage
- A Python-GPIO program using Unix IPC (pipes) to communicate with the Thin application server
Programm your SD-Card (Etcher) and setup a headless configuration so you can use ssh over WLan. Get an internet connection and
Update your Raspbian with
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install Git with
sudo apt-get install git
Checkout OpenDoor directly into /home/pi and create the directory below
mkdir ~/.opendoord
sudo chmod -R 775 ~/.opendoord
Next install a recent Ruby 2.5.1 (.rbenv) with
~/ # (not sudo)
This takes about 2h on a raspi zero! Next we need more Raspbian and Python3 packages
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev monit libsqlite3-dev
sudo pip3 install setproctitle docopt pytz
Change directory to ~/etc and execute the following script to add monit, startup-skripts, SSL-Certs etc.
The Ruby app makes usage of several Gems which need to be installed. Execute the following commands:
cd ~/app
gem install bundler
bundle install
The default login/password is: admin / baseball. However you want to change the password by
vi ~/app/.env
add line and replace passwd and use your own
Add two entries to the crontab for the user pi:
crontab -e
@reboot sudo /home/pi/
I am using a Raspi-Zero (1st Generatiom) without build-in WLan. Instead, I connected an Edimax WLan-Adapter (Chipset: Realtek) to the Mico-USB. I noticed after several hours of idleing that the WLan turned it self off and got unresponsive for up-to 30 secs (not great if you want to open the door immediately while you have someone waiting).
First check if you have a similar WLan adapter in use:
if you see a module named "8192cu" you might turn off the power saving mode, but first check if power saving is on.
iw wlan0 get power_save
If it says "Power save: on" then turn it off
sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf
by adding the following line
options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0
afterwards execute a reboot
sudo reboot
and check again with
iw wlan0 get power_save
It should be off now.