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Merge pull request #8 from openfoodfacts/dependabot/github_actions/am… #2

Merge pull request #8 from openfoodfacts/dependabot/github_actions/am…

Merge pull request #8 from openfoodfacts/dependabot/github_actions/am… #2

name: Container Image Deployment CI
- main
- deploy-*
# only staging for now, not prod
# tags:
# - v*.*.*
# Note on secrets used for connection
# They are configured as environment secrets
# HOST is the internal ip of VM containing docker
# PROXY_HOST is the host of VMs
# USERNAME is the user used for operations
# SSH_PRIVATE_KEY is the private key (shared between VM and host)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# only stagging for now
# Note: env is also the name of the directory on the server
- open-prices-net
environment: ${{ matrix.env }}
concurrency: ${{ matrix.env }}
- name: Set various variable for staging (net) deployment
if: matrix.env == 'open-prices-net'
run: |
# direct container access
echo "OPENFOODFACTS_API_URL=https://off:[email protected]" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# deploy target
echo "" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Wait for docker image container build workflow
uses: tomchv/[email protected]
id: wait-build
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
checkName: build (api)
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
intervalSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 600 # 10m
- name: Do something if build isn't launch
if: steps.wait-build.outputs.conclusion == 'does not exist'
run: echo job does not exist && true
- name: Do something if build fail
if: steps.wait-build.outputs.conclusion == 'failure'
run: echo fail && false # fail if build fail
- name: Do something if build timeout
if: steps.wait-build.outputs.conclusion == 'timed_out'
run: echo Timeout && false # fail if build time out
- name: Checkout git repository
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
# Clone Git repository if not already there
[ ! -d '${{ matrix.env }}' ] && git clone --depth 1${{ github.repository }} ${{ matrix.env }} --no-single-branch 2>&1
# Go to repository directory
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
# Fetch newest commits (in case it wasn't freshly cloned)
git fetch --depth 1
# Checkout current commit SHA
git checkout -qf ${{ github.sha }}
- name: Set environment variables
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
# Go to repository directory
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
mv .env .env-dev
# init .env
echo "# Env file generated by container-deploy action"> .env
# Set Docker Compose variables
echo "DOCKER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=180" >> .env
echo "COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=180" >> .env
echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=open-prices" >> .env
echo "COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml;docker/prod.yml" >> .env
# Copy variables that are same as dev
grep '\(STACK_VERSION\|ES_PORT\)' .env-dev >> .env
# Set docker variables
echo "TAG=sha-${{ github.sha }}" >> .env
echo "RESTART_POLICY=always" >> .env
# Set App variables
echo "API_PORT=8180" >> .env
echo "SENTRY_DNS=${{ secrets.SENTRY_DSN }}" >> .env
- name: Create Docker volumes
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
make create_external_volumes
- name: Start services
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans 2>&1
- name: Check services are up
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
if: ${{ always() }}
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
make livecheck
- name: Cleanup obsolete Docker objects
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
if: ${{ always() }}
host: ${{ env.SSH_HOST }}
username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
proxy_host: ${{ env.SSH_PROXY_HOST }}
proxy_username: ${{ env.SSH_USERNAME }}
proxy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script_stop: false
script: |
cd ${{ matrix.env }}
docker system prune -af
- uses: frankie567/[email protected]
if: ${{ always() }}
apiToken: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_API_TOKEN }}
text: <a href="${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{github.run_id}}">Deployment ${{ steps.livecheck.outcome }} on ${{ matrix.env }}</a>
tags: type:deployment,origin:github,status:${{ steps.livecheck.outcome }},repo:${{ github.repository }},sha:${{ github.sha }},app:robotoff,env:${{ matrix.env }}