is a set of tools to make it easy to test internal logic of contracts written using pwasm-ethereum.
Let's assume we have a simple TokenContract. Let's see how we use pwasm_test
to mock pwasm_ethereum::sender()
extern crate parity_hash;
extern crate pwasm_ethereum;
extern crate uint;
use parity_hash::{H256, Address};
use pwasm_ethereum;
use uint::U256;
use pwasm_abi_derive::eth_abi;
static TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY: H256 = H256([2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
static OWNER_KEY: H256 = H256([3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
pub trait TokenContract {
fn constructor(&mut self, _total_supply: U256);
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256;
fn balanceOf(&mut self, _owner: Address) -> U256;
fn transfer(&mut self, _to: Address, _amount: U256) -> bool;
/// Event declaration
fn Transfer(&mut self, indexed_from: Address, indexed_to: Address, _value: U256);
pub struct TokenContractInstance;
// Reads balance by address
fn read_balance_of(owner: &Address) -> U256 {
// Generates a balance key for some address.
// Used to map balances with their owners.
fn balance_key(address: &Address) -> H256 {
let mut key = H256::from(address);
key[0] = 1; // just a naiive "namespace";
impl TokenContract for TokenContractInstance {
fn constructor(&mut self, total_supply: U256) {
let sender = pwasm_ethereum::sender();
// Set up the total supply for the token
pwasm_ethereum::write(&TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, &total_supply.into());
// Give all tokens to the contract owner
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&sender), &total_supply.into());
// Set the contract owner
pwasm_ethereum::write(&OWNER_KEY, &H256::from(sender).into());
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256 {
fn balanceOf(&mut self, owner: Address) -> U256 {
fn transfer(&mut self, to: Address, amount: U256) -> bool {
let sender = pwasm_ethereum::sender();
let senderBalance = read_balance_of(&sender);
let recipientBalance = read_balance_of(&to);
if amount == 0.into() || senderBalance < amount {
} else {
let new_sender_balance = senderBalance - amount;
let new_recipient_balance = recipientBalance + amount;
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&sender), &new_sender_balance.into());
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&to), &new_recipient_balance.into());
self.Transfer(sender, to, amount);
extern crate pwasm_test;
mod tests {
extern crate std;
use super::*;
use pwasm_test::{ext_reset, ext_get};
use parity_hash::Address;
fn should_succeed_transfering_1000_from_owner_to_another_address() {
let mut contract = TokenContractInstance{};
let owner_address = Address::from("0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8");
let sam_address = Address::from("0xdb6fd484cfa46eeeb73c71edee823e4812f9e2e1");
// Here we're creating an External context using ExternalBuilder and set the `sender` to the `owner_address`
// so `pwasm_ethereum::sender()` in TokenContract::constructor() will return that `owner_address`
ext_reset(|e| e.sender(owner_address.clone()));
let total_supply = 10000.into();
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(owner_address), total_supply);
assert_eq!(contract.transfer(sam_address, 1000.into()), true);
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(owner_address), 9000.into());
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(sam_address), 1000.into());
// 1 log entry should be created
assert_eq!(ext_get().logs().len(), 1);
For more usage examples take a look:
cargo test --all
Parity Wasm Tutorial - a full fledged tutorial on how to write contracts in Webassembly for Kovan and other Wasm-enabled networks.
is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT
license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), at your choice.
See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.