The website is managed using Hugo
. You can install it using
your favorite package manager.
Ensure you have the "Extended" version of Hugo, which includes features required by this repository.
Hugo is available in many package managers (but not EPEL, yet). Downloading the latest release binary from github is an easy option.
brew install go
brew install hugo
brew install sass/sass/sass
To build the static site to the public/
folder (i.e., for release) run
To run hugo in server mode and view the site in real time on your computer as
you make updates, run hugo server
By default this will run the service locally on http://localhost:1313/
To add new content to the site, decide what type of content it is (announcement, blog, news), and run
hugo new content content/<type>/
For example, to create a new Blog post titled "My First Blog" with the url /blog/my-first-blog, you'd run
hugo new content content/blog/
Then, open the file and edit as required. Make sure to set the post to not be a draft before publishing it.