Welcome to the OpenProphetDB! OpenProphetDB is an open research group focused on unlocking the potential of existing drugs to save patients with rare and complex diseases. We explore the following topics: constructing and integrating knowledge graph, multi-omics data, and deep learning models to understand the molecular mechanisms of human rare and complex diseases, or to predict new indications for known drugs through drug repurposing. Visit our official website for more information.
If you are interested in using knowledge graph and deep learning models to understand the molecular mechanisms of human rare and complex diseases, or to predict new indications for known drugs through drug repurposing. please visit our Online Explorer & Explainer to get started or the biomedgps repository to install the web platform locally.
If you are interested in building your own knowledge graph, please visit the biomedgps-data repository or the DocWebsite.
If you are interested in training deep learning models based on the knowledge graph, please visit the biomedgps-model repository or the DocWebsite.
If you want to construct a personalized knowledge graph by labeling any publications, please visit our Labeling Tool to get started or the prophet-studio repository to install the tool locally.
Validating Drug Effects Using EHR and/or Patient Survey Data. Comming Soon...