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This is the main repository for git-controller. The git-controller is designed to enable the automated deployment of software using the Open Component Model and Flux.


git-controller provides the following two main functionalities.


The Sync API objects takes a snapshot's output and pushes it into a specific repository using some pre-configured commit information.

A sample yaml for running a sync operation can look something like this:

kind: Sync
  name: git-sample
  namespace: ocm-system
    email: [email protected]
    message: "Update made from git-controller"
    name: Testy McTestface
  interval: 10m0s
  subPath: .
    name: podinfo-deployment-t5bhemw
    name: new-repository-2 # The name of the Repository object that contains access information to the repository.
  automaticPullRequestCreation: true

The repositoryRef information contains a link to the Repository object explained in section Repository Management. That object contains information on how to access the repository and what credentials to use.

Setting automaticPullRequestCreation: true will create a Pull Request of the changes. If no branch information is provided the changes are created from a random generated branch to main. The pull request can further be fine-tuned with the following details:

  title: This is the title that will be used.
  description: Contains more information about the Pull Request.
  base: feature-branch-1

Repository Management

The Repository object manages git repositories for supported providers. At the moment of this writing the following providers are supported:

  • GitHub
  • Gitlab
  • Gitea

The main objective of this object is to create a Repository. Along that, it also sets up some branch protection rules. Branch protection rules are used during the Validation processes in the MPAS environment.

A sample repository could look something like this:

kind: Repository
  name: new-repository-2
  namespace: mpas-system
  isOrganization: false
  visibility: public
      name: git-sync-secret
  interval: 10m
  owner: open-component-model
  provider: github
  existingRepositoryPolicy: adopt

There are several things here to unpack. First, is the organization. This needs to be set in case the owner of the future repository is an organization. By default, this is set to true. Here, we use false for testing purposes.

The second is visibility. This can be switched from public to private.

credentials are self-explanatory. Either a token or SSH credentials are supported.

Provider is between github, gitlab or gitea. And finally, we use existingRepositoryPolicy to decide what to do in case the repository already exists. adopt will use the repository as is. Not setting it will fail the process if the repository already exists.


git-controller usually doesn't run on its own. Since most of its features require a Snapshot to be present. And a Snapshot is created by the ocm-controller. However, if testing only involves the Repositroy object, make sure that a certificate TLS secret existing in the cluster with the name ocm-registry-tls-certs. This can be generated with mkcert or by the test cluster prime script under ocm-controller.

git-controller has a Tiltfile which can be used for rapid development. tilt is a convenient little tool to spin up a controller and do some extra setup in the process conditionally. It will also keep updating the environment via a process that is called control loop; it's similar to a controller's reconcile loop.

To get started simple run tilt up then hit <space> to enter Tilt's ui. You should see git-controller starting up.


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