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A demo OPC UA server application, currently in development, that fetches weather information, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed etc, from web services online through REST calls. Responses are returned in JSON format and are processed by the application. The demo server outputs all requested information in accordance with OPC UA communication protocol.

Libraries/APIs required

Docker image

Docker image is available at Docker Hub.

Server expects settings.json file with valid Dark Sky API key inside next to executable (see Dark Sky API section below). You can mount file to file directly from host machine. To use a different location you need to pass it as an argument at runtime.

Server runs on 48484 port by default.

Usage example (settings.json file in /home/dev dir on host machine, forwarding 48484 port):

  • docker pull ehnat0n/weather-server
  • docker run -v ~/dev/settings.json:/opt/weather-server/settings.json -p 48484:48484 ehnat0n/weather-server

If you are willing to build docker image by yourself checkout sample files/options in dockerfiles folder.

Building instructions (as of September 2019)

  1. Open62541 library. Currently we include amalgamated version 0.3.1 files directly in this repository. No action required after cloning it. You may find v1.0rc5+ files on project website,but it has slightly different API and therefore won't work by default. Also you may find that v0.3.0 files are available through vcpkg and conan library managers, but there are various issues with them:

    • v0.3.0 is from December 2018, while v0.3.1 has various fixes and was released in July 2019;
    • vcpkg version is not build properly and requires manual adjustments like moving of .dll files etc;
    • conan default option works on MSVC 15 2017, but has compatibility issues with MSVC 16 2019;
    • conan default option doesn't work on Ubuntu and fails due to linker errors.
  2. C++ REST SDK. Simply follow the instructions. Just make sure you include :x64-windows triplet option or set VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET as x64-windows on windows machines because default setting is :x86-windows (32-bit).

  3. Open AQ API. Simply make sure website is available from your machine.

  4. DarkSky API is used to fetch weather data:

    • if you do not have an account, you will need to create one in order to request an API Key;
    • after building the server with cmake open the settings.json file located inside build/bin[/CONFIG] forlder and under the darksky_api object you may:
      • (REQUIRED) replace api_key parameter value with Your API key that you received from Dark Sky;
      • change "interval_download" parameter value (in minutes) to control how often weather data is downloaded.
  5. You can build this application with CMake (verified on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04):

    • (optional) make sure CMake v3.10+ is installed or sudo apt install cmake;
    • make sure vcpkg is installed (it includes CMake by default);
    • install cpprestsdk in vcpkg: vcpkg install cpprestsdk (use :x64-windows triplet in windows);
    • create directory build in the root repository directory and switch to it: mkdir build && cd build
    • run cmake configure with toolchain from vcpkg:
      • Windows, MSVS 15 2017 : cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" Win64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="**your/path/to**/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" ..;
      • Windows, MSVS 16 2019 : cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="**your/path/to**/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" ..;
      • Windows, other: cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-windows" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="**your/path/to**/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..;
      • Ubuntu: cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="**your/path/to**/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..;
    • build with cmake: cmake --build . --config Release;
  6. Starting the server:

    • you can start aqw-opcua-server.exe from anywhere, by default it will try to pickup settings from settings.json file located next to executable;
    • if default settings location is not acceptable, you can create your copy either from settings.json or settings_example.json and pass it as a parameter relative to current directory.

    Server runs on port 48484 by default.


    • path/to/aqw-opcua-server.exe - default scenario with default settings;
    • path/to/aqw-opcua-server.exe my_custom_settings.json - use your settings from current folder;
    • path/to/aqw-opcua-server.exe relative/path/to/settings/collection/my_settings_variant42.json.