This is a client application which consumes the Rick and Morty API.
It uses React Server Components and TanStack Query for all the data fetching.
GraphQL Code Generator is used for creating type definitions automatically.
A feature based folder structure has been implemented to keep things organized.
🚀 Live demo is here.
- Next.js
- TanStack Query
- Tailwind CSS
- React Icons
- TanStack Query
- GraphQL
- GraphQL Code Generator
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- lint-staged
- Rick and Morty API
- Vercel
First, we need to install the dependencies:
pnpm install
And run the project in development mode:
pnpm dev
This is a really cool public API which provides you the characters, locations and episodes. It has both Rest and GraphQL implementations. So, you can use it to learn and explore new techniques, libraries etc.
You can check it out here.