By Meagan Olsen, Kevin Deming, and Alex Bailey
Implement semantics of MiniMiniLogo Language that generates a drawn picture.
- Install haskell platform
- Open terminal
cd <your directory>
:l (name of file(no extensions))
draw snowFall, snowWall, etc
We used a Haskell implementation of MiniMiniLogo, a derviative of the the Logo language and Haskell to create this app.
prog ::= ε | cmd ; prog sequence of commands
mode ::= down | up pen status
cmd ::= pen mode change pen mode
| move ( int , int ) move pen to a new position
- implements a change in the state of the pen
- implements a list of lines to draw
- implement ```cmd```, the semantic function for MiniMiniLogo commands (Cmd)
- Implement prog, the semantic function for MiniMiniLogo programs (Prog).