Use External Content component to add more resourse to you course. Find according to your needs, MOOC, video, podcasts or articles. A large choice of contents curated by Edflex technology to accompany you in creation or your trainings!
Install package
pip install -e git+
In lms/env/
and cms/env/
add 'edflex'
According to settings configuration there are several options you can choose:
Configure Site configuration using django admin
Set up your configurations in json files. Add the following to XBLOCK_SETTINGS inside
:"XBLOCK_SETTINGS": { "EdflexXBlock": { "EDFLEX_CLIENT_ID": "client_id", "EDFLEX_CLIENT_SECRET": "client_secret", "EDFLEX_LOCALE": ["en"], "EDFLEX_BASE_API_URL": "https://base/api/url" } },
Note: Site configurations have higher priority than configurations in settings (means that the first attempts to read config will be from site configurations and then from settings)
Then apply migrations using
./ lms migrate --settings=<name settings>
Fetch edflex data
./ lms fetch_edflex_data --settings=<name settings>
There are also two options to run the periodic tasks:
First option is to use crontab
0 1 * * 1 /path/to/virtualenv/bin/python /var/www/myapp/ lms fetch_edflex_data --settings=<name settings> 0 */1 * * * /path/to/virtualenv/bin/python /var/www/myapp/ lms fetch_new_edflex_data --settings=<name settings> 0 1 1 * * /path/to/virtualenv/bin/python /var/www/myapp/ lms update_resources --settings=<name settings>
Second option is to configure celery beat
Ensure that celerybeat is running
Set up variables in json files:
Add edflex to the Advanced Module List for your course in Studio
Open Advanced Settings for your course in Studio ("Settings" drop down in the top nav -> "Advanced Settings"), and add "edflex"
to the "Advanced Module List" value (i.e.: the value for "Advanced Module List" should be a JSON list, and that list should include "edflex"
To run unit tests in Docker you have to open the shell
./ test_system --setting=test test edflex.tests
Instead of test_system
choose the system you want to test (cms or lms)