A python-based audio transcription utility designed to tie to production software via Open Sound Control (OSC). Based on work from Programming for People.
You can see the the original work at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3jd-894Ar4
You'll need to install these libraries if you plan to build from source:
PythonOSC for using Open Sound Control: https://pypi.org/project/python-osc/
PyAudio for getting data from the mic: https://pypi.org/project/PyAudio/
Python Speech Recognition, which calls the recognition API: https://pypi.org/project/SpeechRecognition/
OSC API for Controlling OSCTranscribe:
/OSCTranscribe/calibrate {int thresh}: Setup, establishes the amount of quite space before processing
/OSCTranscribe/startListening: Setup, begins listening to the mic and sending to the learning system
/OSCTranscribe/stopListening: Stops listening to the mic and stops sending to the learning system
By default, you send these commands to port 7070. Then, you should listen for the following OSC message: /OSCTranscribe/data {string text}: The words recognized from the audio stream in between pauses