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dev meeting 20210121

Nathan Rebours edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Present at the meeting:

  • Carl Eastlund (@ceastlund)
  • Sonja Heinze (@pitag-ha)
  • Jérémie Diminio (@jeremiedimino)
  • Nathan Rebours (@NathanReb)

Current plan

  • Nathan fixes the bug that introduced a breaking change in ppxlib's master and release 0.21.0
  • Nathan and Sonja bump the internal AST to 4.12, send patches to rev-deps and release ppxlib 0.22.0
  • Sonja gets back to work on Astlib
  • Carl works on the workflow for updating the Parsetree with Astlib in the compiler

Meeting notes

Sonja finished the work required for the bisect_ppx port and the bucklescript support. This also proved useful in general as we regained control over all the driver entry points and the way they manipulate ASTs. It will also simplify the work on Astlib as we use a few functions less from Ast_mapper than we used to.

Following Sonja's work, Nathan tried to cut a release with all those new feature but we accidentally broke the API. He's working on a fix and will resume with the release shortly.

We also discussed the next steps for ppxlib. 4.12's first beta is upon us so we'll go on with the 4.12 AST bump process. Nathan and Sonja will take care of this. Now that the driver work is done, Sonja will also be able to resume working on Astlib. Carl's back and once he's done updating the Janestreet ppx-es to the latest ppxlib internally, he'll start designing the workflow for upgrading Parsetree in the compiler in the Astlib world.

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