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AxiSEMLib is a python library that provides several extensions for the AxiSEM:

  • Synthesize accurate seismograms/strain/stress at any point of the earth.
  • Teleseismic injection interfaces between AxiSEM, SPECFEM3D and SPECFEM3D-injection
  • Reciprocity validation and Instaseis-like Database.

And there are several modifications in AxiSEM

  • Fix source location problem
  • Dump elastic parameters in discontinuous form.

Part of the code are adapted from Instaseis, so LGPL license is applied.

Download required packages

  1. Compilers: C++/Fortran compilers which support c++14 (tested on GCC >=7.5, ICC >=18.4.0), cmake >= 3.12, and MPI libraries.

  2. create a new environment with conda:

conda create -n axisem_lib python=3.8 
conda activate axisem_lib
conda install numpy scipy numba pyproj tqdm
pip install pybind11-global
  1. Install several packages:
MPICC=mpicc pip install mpi4py --no-binary mpi4py
  • h5py-mpi using existing parallel-hdf5 libraries:
CC="mpicc" HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=/path/to/parallel-hdf5 pip install --no-binary=h5py h5py
  1. build AxiSEMLib by using:
mkdir -p build; cd build;
cmake .. -DCXX=g++ -DFC=gfortran  -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python`
make -j4; make install 

Prepare AxiSEM Mesh

  • Go to directory axisem and change compiler options in make_axisem.macros. Remember to set USE_NETCDF = true, set NETCDF_PATH.

  • Go to MESHER/, set parameters including DOMINANT_PERIOD and number of slices in inparam_mesh. If you want to use a smoothed version of ak135 model, you can run scripts under smooth_model/, and set the parameters like:

  • Run mesh generation ./submit.csh and ./movemesh.csh mesh_name. Then the mesh files will be moved to SOLVER/MESHES as the mesh_name you set.

Prepare AxiSEM Solver files

There are two files you should edit: inparam_basic and inparam_advanced.

In param_basic you should set SEISMOGRAM_LENGTH as you required, and you should set ATTENUATION to false because the current version only support isotropic elastic model. And you can set some other parameters like SIMULATION_TYPE. If SIMULATION_TYPE is not moment, you should also edit inparam_source.

In inparam_advanced, you should set the part of several parameters as below:

# GLL points to save, starting and ending GLL point index 
# (overwritten with 0 and npol for dumptype displ_only)
KERNEL_IBEG         0
KERNEL_IEND         4
KERNEL_JBEG         0
KERNEL_JEND         4

KERNEL_DUMPTYPE     displ_only
KERNEL_SPP          8/16/32 (depend on your dominant frequency)

# you should add this one 
# KERNEL  dump  after DUMP_T0
DUMP_T0       200. 

# epicenter distance

# minimal and maximal radius in km for kernel wavefields
# (only for dumptype displ_only)
KERNEL_RMIN        5000.
KERNEL_RMAX        6372.

Then you can prepare your CMTSOLUTION and STATIONS

Run AxiSEM simulation

Run it on your cluster.

Transpose the output field.

Set the variables in, then:


Check examples in test/ !