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Pool Project

CodeFactor code style: prettier

Table of contents

Project Description

POOL project is a mobile application that aims to help the survivors of domestic violence. The main features of the app are: resources in forms of curated articles, videos & podcasts about intimate partner violence, finding shelters and hotlines. Signed up users can have additional access to emergency contact features.


Implementation of backend can be found here

Tech Stack

  • React Native with Expo
  • The latest version of React Navigation v5
  • Context API + hooks for state management
  • Font Awesome
  • Axios for API calls
  • I18next and expo-localization for localization
  • React-native-maps for maps
  • Expo-location for reading geolocation information from the device
  • React-native-elements for material ui styling ans Styled components

Application architecture diagram

Architecture diagram


To run locally

  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Start environment
yarn start
  1. Before merging to master, check errors
yarn lint

To test in development mode or production mode

  1. It runs by default in development mode

  2. To run in production mode

expo start --no-dev --minify

To test in development mode with device

  1. Login to expo with given credentials :
expo login
  1. Open expo app from your device and login with the same credentials and you can start manually testing your work

To test in production mode with device

Publish the app in production mode with expo

To build bundles

expo build:android -t app-bundle
expo build:ios (only with paid developer account)

E2E testing with detox build the app before and test

detox test --configuration ios.sim.release

Authors of the project:

  • Soyoon Choi
  • Irina Baeva
  • Behnaz Derakhshani


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