A prototype implementation of a server compatible with Open Telematics API (OTAPI), client libraries and a UI.
This repo contains the following 3 components of a working prototype implementation of Open Telematics API (OTAPI) version 0.1rc4.
- A bridge server. Converting from tables of an existing TSP and serving OTAPI data. See
- Client libraries written around the SDK automatically-generated by apimatic from the 0.1rc4 specification. See
- A webserver UI demonstrating application of OTAPI to simple backend integrations. See
Within 3. it also contains an implementation of the SEFL '57 fault' predictive vehicle maintenance heuristics.
- The Prototype.Telematics.BridgeServer database project has all the SQL Scripts to setup the SQL Server Database
- To Initialize the database a) Create a new SQL Server Database called OpenTelematics <= The Prototype Database was tested in SQL Server 2017 b) Execute scripts under Tables, Stored Procedures and Data folders
- The Prototype OTAPI was implemented with ASP.NET Core 2.2
- Open nmfta-opentelematics-prototype.sln n Visual Studio 2019
- Check the Connection and API Launch settings in launchSettngs.json and appsettings.json
- Set the Default Project to Prototype.OpenTelematics.Api
- Launch API Server by Pressing F5 (Debug) or CTRL+F5 (Start without Debug)