go get -u github.com/nirandas/dbmigrate
dbmigrate init
Creates a dbmigrate.json file in the current directory. Edit the file and set the dsn. The type can be either postgres or mysql.
Generating migrations
dbmigrate make hello
Generates a timestamped sql file in the migrations path as configured in dbmigrate.json. You can add the SQL statements to be executed during up and down in this file. Separate multiple statements using --go--
create table users (
id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(32) not null unique,
email varchar(100) not null unique,
password varchar(100) not null
)engine=innodb charset=utf8;
drop table users;
Running migrations
dbmigrate up
dbmigrate down
Use -all switch to up or down all migrations.
dbmigrate up -all
dbmigrate down -all