converts an ical file to a csv file valid for some 3rd time-tracking applications.
can filter by location and category or filter by finds in descrioption.
it can also filter for dates, e.g. YYYY-MM.
it can also sum's the hours you spent on certain "events".
pip install icalendar
usage: [-h] [--category CATEGORY] [--location LOCATION] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--date DATE] [--header HEADER] [--debug DEBUG] [--sum SUM] [--group-by GROUP_BY]
positional arguments:
filename location of icalendar file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--category CATEGORY filter events by category
--location LOCATION filter events by location
--description DESCRIPTION
filter events for something whats in description
--date DATE only add events where date starts with this, e.g. 2003-11
--header HEADER set to something enables heading row
--debug DEBUG set to something enables debug mode
--sum SUM prints sum hour's at the end
--group-by GROUP_BY group by e.g. 'day'