This repository contains a prototype implementation of NTRUReEncrypt, a Proxy Re-Encryption scheme based on NTRU, proposed by Nuñez, Agudo and Lopez, in ACM AsiaCCS 2015 [1].
This proxy re-encryption scheme extends the conventional NTRU scheme, adding functions to re-encrypt ciphertexts and to generate re-encryption keys.
This prototype implementation is built upon the NTRU implementation in tbuktu/ntru, version 1.2. Note that this prototype is a mere proof of concept so the implementation is completely monolithic. Modularization and refactoring is WIP.
- java compiler 17.0.10
- maven 3.6.3
$ git clone
$ cd ntrureencrypt
$ mvn clean package
- NTRUReEncryptParams - A wrapper of the parameter sets from tbuktu/ntru that allow handling parameters outside of the original class.
- NTRUReEncrypt - The main class that enable to generate keys, encrypt, re-encrypt, and decrypt. It also provides encoding/decoding functions for the messages.
- ReEncryptionKey - A class to handle a re-encryption key.
- Utils - Functions for data representation conversions.
- TestNTRUReEncrypt - Test class.
- EES1087EP2
- EES1171EP1
- EES1499EP1
- APR2011_439
- APR2011_439_FAST
- APR2011_743
- APR2011_743_FAST
// Parameter instance
byte[] seed = new byte[]{0,1,2};
EncryptionParameters params = NTRUReEncryptParams.getParams("EES1087EP2_FAST");
int dm0 = NTRUReEncryptParams.getDM0("EES1087EP2_FAST");
// NTRU object and key generation
NTRUReEncrypt ntruReEnc = new NTRUReEncrypt(params);
EncryptionKeyPair kpA = ntruReEnc.generateKeyPair();
EncryptionKeyPair kpB = ntruReEnc.generateKeyPair();
ReEncryptionKey rk = ntruReEnc.generateReEncryptionKey(kpA, kpB);
// Random message generation
int mLen = 128;
Random rng = new Random(12345);
BigInteger m = new BigInteger(mLen, rng);
// Encoding and encryption
IntegerPolynomial M = ntruReEnc.encodeMessage(m, seed, dm0);
IntegerPolynomial CA = ntruReEnc.encrypt(kpA.getPublic(), M, seed);
// Re-Encryption
IntegerPolynomial CB = ntruReEnc.reEncrypt(rk, CA, seed);
// Decryption and decoding
IntegerPolynomial D = ntruReEnc.decrypt(kpB.getPrivate(), CB);
BigInteger d = ntruReEnc.decodeMessagetoBigInteger(D, mLen);
NTRU is an Additively Homomorphic Encryption (AHE) scheme by definition.
Given the public key
It can be noticed that in the base scheme, each message is encoded as a polynomial. Therefore,
To tackle this issue, we propose a special codification that allows to perform a single addition of two ciphertexts such that they can be decoded to the sum of integers. The process is as follows:
Encoding - Since an NTRU message is a polynomial with ternary coefficients, i.e., from the set
${-1, 0, 1}$ , given$B$ the binary representation of$m$ , we let the coefficient with degree$k$ to encode the digit$B[k]$ . Note that they will all be 0s and 1s, so there must remain enough free coefficients in the polynomial to guarantee a minimum number$dm0$ of coefficients with each value in${-1, 0, 1}$ . - Decoding - Since messages are ternary polynomials, they can be added bit by bit (coefficient by coefficient) such that if there is a carry to perform, the resultant coefficient will be -1. This addition is done inside the ciphertext space. Once decrypted, all the carries are applied by the decoding algorithm from the LSB to the MSB.
NTRUReEncrypt needs both Alice's and Bob's private keys in order to compute the re-encryption key from Alice to Bob. To avoid a single party from learning both private keys, we have added in NTRUReEncrypt some methods to perform an interactive protocol from [2] to derive the re-encryption key. The protocol is as follows:
- Alice samples a blinding factor
$r$ , sends$r \cdot SK_A$ to Bob, and$r$ to the proxy (methods sampleBlinding and blindPrivateKey). - Bob computes
$r \cdot SK_A \cdot SK_B^{-1}$ and sends it to the proxy (method blindInversePrivateKey). - The proxy computes
$r \cdot SK_A \cdot SK_B^{-1} \cdot r^{-1}$ and obtains$rk = SK_A \cdot SK_B^{-1}$ (method extractBlinding).
[1] Nuñez, D., Agudo, I., & Lopez, J. (2015). NTRUReEncrypt: An efficient proxy re-encryption scheme based on NTRU. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (pp. 179-189). ACM. (link) [2] Canetti, R., & Hohenberger, S. (2007). Chosen-ciphertext secure proxy re-encryption. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications security (pp. 185-194). ACM, 2007.