socket io server customized to provide push message functionality
This is just a customized socketio server app meant to replace Pusher
message server in my personal apps. It provides similar functionality using socketio
This provides: event channels, subscriptions, presence channels, as well as supoorts seperate applications and namespaced applications (same app/authentication but seperate event channels)
get clone
cd push-socket-io-server
npm Install
echo echo '{"username" : "{someusername}", "password" : "{somepassword}"}' > appdata/{app-id}.json
node socker-io.js
# Generate additional app-ids
node generate.js
There is a cron.js file that you can run as a cronjob to ensure that the socket-io is running
* * * * * node /path/to/socket-io/cron.js > /path/to/socket-io/.cronlog 2>&1
Some other clients
- see
- see
- see
- see
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://your-socket-io-server/client.js"></script>
(function() {
var credentials={
"appId": "{app-id}",
"username": "some-guest", //not really neccessary for public read only event streams but useful for server logging
var client=(new SocketIOClient("https://your-socket-io-server"))
var unsubscribeFn=client.subscribe("{channel}", "{event}", function(data){
// similar to, callback), however a channel/event subscription request is sent to server before the
// client receive this event data - essentiall a request to join a socketio 'room'
var unsubscribeFn=client.presence("{channel}", "{event}", function(data){
// every channel/event also has a presence channel
// data contains a channel user list and is sent when a user joins or leaves
// the client also recieve the user list once after subscribing to the presence channel
Built in simple monitoring ui. To enable the monitoring ui, add admin.json to the appdata folder
Only enable the monitoring if you can restrict access to it!