The Communication bundle provides business users the ability to manage government communications. It introduces six new entities to the system: Channel, Communication, Content, Criterion, Message and Template.
- Channel Entity
- Communication Entity
- Content Entity
- Criterion Entity
- Message Entity
- Template Entity
- Todo
Simply add a @Config
Annotation with the contact_information
attribute. See Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\EntityContact
class for an example
namespace Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\Entity;
* @Config(
* defaultValues={
* "entity"={
* "icon"="icon-group",
* "contact_information"={
* "email"={
* {"fieldName"="primaryEmail"}
* },
* "phone"={
* {"fieldName"="primaryPhone"}
* }
* }
* },
* }
* )
class Contact extends ExtendContact implements EmailOwnerInterface
The communication bundle look for the contact_information
and also for the following interfaces
Mandatory :
- EmailOwnerInterface
- FirstNameInterface
- LastNameInterface
Facultatives :
- FullNameInterface
- NamePrefixInterface
- MiddleNameInterface
- NameSuffixInterface
Look for existing example of classes that hinerit interface VirtualFieldProviderInterface
and also services tagged with oro_entity.virtual_field_provider