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Command-line tools bundles command-line applications to manipulate event files.



To download Command Line Tools, run:

git clone --recursive


Debian / Ubuntu

Open a terminal and run:

sudo apt install premake4


Open a terminal and run:

brew tap tonyseek/premake
brew install tonyseek/premake/premake4

If the command is not found, you need to install Homebrew first with the command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


Install Chocolatey ( by running as administrator (Start > Windows Powershell > Right click > Run as Administator):

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Open Powershell as administator and run:

choco install -y premake.portable
choco install -y visualstudio2019buildtools
choco install -y visualstudio2019-workload-vctools
choco install -y ffmpeg


Run the following commands from the command_line_tools directory to compile the applications:

premake4 gmake
cd build
cd release

Windows users must run the following commands from non-administrator Powershell instead:

premake4 vs2010
cd build
Get-ChildItem . -Filter *.vcxproj | Foreach-Object {C:\Program` Files` `(x86`)\Microsoft` Visual` Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MsBuild.exe /p:PlatformToolset=v142 /property:Configuration=Release $_}

The command-line applications are located in the release directory.



Time parameters in command-line applications (timestamps, durations, decays...) support three input formats:

  • raw integers (42, 12345...), interpreted as microseconds
  • hh:mm:ss timecodes (00:00:00, 04:20:00, 0:0:678, 00:1440:00...)
  • hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu timecodes (00:00:00.123456, 04:20:00.000000, 0:0:678.9...), timecodes with more than 6 digits are rounded to the nearest microsecond.


crop generates a new Event Stream file with only events from the given region.

./crop [options] /path/to/ /path/to/ left bottom width height

Available options:

  • -p, --preserve-offset prevents the coordinates of the cropped area from being normalized
  • -h, --help shows the help message


cut generates a new Event Stream file with only events from the given time range.

./cut [options] /path/to/ /path/to/ begin end

begin and end must be timecodes.

Available options:

  • -h, --help shows the help message


dat_to_es converts a TD file (and an optional APS file) to an Event Stream file.

./dat_to_es [options] /path/to/input_td.dat /path/to/input_aps.dat /path/to/

If the string none is used for the td (respectively, aps) file, the Event Stream file is build from the aps (respectively, td) file only.

Available options:

  • -h, --help shows the help message


es_to_csv converts an Event Stream file to a CSV file (compatible with Excel and Matlab):

./es_to_csv [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output.csv

Available options:

  • -h, --help shows the help message


es_to_frames converts an Event Stream file to video frames. Frames use the P6 Netpbm format ( if the output is a directory. Otherwise, the output consists of raw rgb24 frames.

./es_to_frames [options]

Available options:

  • -i file, --input file sets the path to the input .es file (defaults to standard input)
  • -o directory, --output directory sets the path to the output directory (defaults to standard output)
  • -b timestamp, --begin timestamp ignores events before this timestamp (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00),
  • -e timestamp, --end timestamp ignores events after this timestamp (timecode, defaults to the end of the recording),
  • -f frametime, --frametime frametime sets the time between two frames (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.020)
  • -s style, --style style selects the decay function, one of exponential (default), linear, window, cumulative, and cumulative_shared
  • -t tau, --tau tau sets the decay function parameter (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.200)
    • if style is exponential, the decay is set to parameter
    • if style is linear, the decay is set to parameter / 2
    • if style is window, the time window is set to parameter
    • if style is cumulative, the time window is set to parameter
    • if style is cumulative-shared, the time window is set to parameter
  • -j color, --oncolor color sets the color for ON events (color must be formatted as #hhhhhh where h is an hexadecimal digit, defaults to #f4c20d)
  • -k color, --offcolor color sets the color for OFF events (color must be formatted as #hhhhhh where h is an hexadecimal digit, defaults to #1e88e5)
  • -l color, --idlecolor color sets the background color (color must be formatted as #hhhhhh where h is an hexadecimal digit, defaults to #191919)
  • -r ratio, --discard-ratio ratio sets the ratio of pixels discarded for cumulative mapping, ignored if the style is cumulative or cumulative-shared (defaults to 0.01)
  • -a, --add-timecode adds a timecode overlay
  • -d digits, --digits digits sets the number of digits in output filenames, ignored if the output is not a directory (defaults to 6)
  • -r ratio, --discard-ratio ratio sets the ratio of pixels discarded for tone mapping, ignored if the stream type is not atis, used for black (resp. white) if --black (resp. --white) is not set (defaults to 0.01)
  • -v duration, --black duration sets the black integration duration for tone mapping (timecode, defaults to automatic discard calculation)
  • -w duration, --white duration sets the white integration duration for tone mapping (timecode, defaults to automatic discard calculation)
  • -x color, --atiscolor color sets the background color for ATIS exposure measurements (color must be formatted as #hhhhhh where h is an hexadecimal digit, defaults to #000000)
  • -h, --help shows the help message

Once can use the script to directly generate an MP4 video instead of frames. es_to_frames must be compiled before using, and FFmpeg ( must be installed and on the system's path. Run python3 --help for details.

The commands below show how to manually pipe the generated frames into FFmpeg:

cat /path/to/ | ./es_to_frames | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 1280x720 -framerate 50 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /path/to/output.mp4

You may need to change the width, height and framerate of the video depending on the es_to_frames options and the Event Stream dimensions. You can use ./size /path/to/ to read the dimensions:

cat /path/to/ | ./es_to_frames --frametime 10000 | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s $(./size /path/to/ -framerate 100 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /path/to/output.mp4

You can also use a lossless encoding format:

cat /path/to/ | ./es_to_frames | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 1280x720 -framerate 50 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -pix_fmt yuv444p /path/to/output.mp4


es_to_ply converts an Event Stream file to a PLY file (Polygon File Format, compatible with Blender).

./es_to_ply [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output_on.ply /path/to/output_off.ply

Available options:

  • -t timestamp, --timestamp timestamp sets the initial timestamp for the point cloud (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00)
  • -d duration, --duration duration sets the duration for the point cloud (timecode, defaults to 00:00:01)
  • -h, --help shows the help message


event_rate plots the number of events per second (slidding time window).

./event_rate [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output.svg

Available options:

  • -l tau, --long tau sets the long (foreground curve) time window (timecode, defaults to 00:00:01)
  • -s tau, --short tau sets the short (background curve) time window (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.010)
  • -i size, --width size sets the output width in pixels (defaults to 1280)
  • -e size, --height size sets the output height in pixels (defaults to 720)
  • -h, --help shows the help message


evt2_to_es converts a raw file (EVT2) into an Event Stream file.

./evt2_to_es [options] /path/to/input.raw /path/to/

Available options:

  • -x size, --width size sets the sensor width in pixels if not specified in the header (defaults to 640)
  • -y size, --height size sets the sensor height in pixels if not specified in the header (defaults to 480)
  • -n, --normalize offsets the timestamps so that the first one is zero
  • -h, --help shows the help message


evt3_to_es converts a raw file (EVT3) into an Event Stream file.

./evt3_to_es [options] /path/to/input.raw /path/to/

Available options:

  • -x size, --width size sets the sensor width in pixels if not specified in the header (defaults to 1280)
  • -y size, --height size sets the sensor height in pixels if not specified in the header (defaults to 720)
  • -n, --normalize offsets the timestamps so that the first one is zero
  • -h, --help shows the help message


rainmaker generates a standalone HTML file containing a 3D representation of events from an Event Stream file.

./rainmaker [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output.html

Available options:

  • -t timestamp, --timestamp timestamp sets the initial timestamp for the point cloud (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00)
  • -d duration, --duration duration sets the duration for the point cloud (timecode, defaults to 00:00:01)
  • -r ratio, --ratio ratio sets the discard ratio for logarithmic tone mapping (default to 0.05, ignored if the file does not contain ATIS events)
  • -f duration, --frametime duration sets the time between two frames (defaults to auto), auto calculates the time between two frames so that there is the same amount of raw data in events and frames, a duration in microseconds can be provided instead, none disables the frames, ignored if the file contains DVS events
  • -a, --dark renders in dark mode
  • -h, --help shows the help message


rainbow represents events by mapping time to colors.

./rainbow [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output.ppm

Available options:

  • -a alpha, --alpha alpha sets the transparency level for each event (must be in the range ]0, 1], defaults to 0.1)
  • -l color, --idlecolor color sets the background color (color must be formatted as #hhhhhh where h is an hexadecimal digit, defaults to #191919)
  • -h, --help shows the help message


size prints the spatial dimensions of the given Event Stream file.

./size /path/to/

Available options:

  • -h, --help shows the help message


spectrogram plots a short-time Fourier transform.

./spectrogram [options] /path/to/ /path/to/output.png /path/to/output.json

Available options:

  • -b [timecode], --begin [timecode] ignores events before this timestamp (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00)
  • -e [timecode], --end [timecode] ignores events after this timestamp (timecode, defaults to the end of the recording)
  • -l [int], --left [int] input region of interest in pixels (defaults to 0)
  • -o [int], --bottom [int] input region of interest in pixels (defaults to 0)
  • -c [int], --width [int] input region of interest in pixels (defaults to input width)
  • -d [int], --height [int] input region of interest in pixels (defaults to input height)
  • -t [timecode], --tau [timecode] decay in µs (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.100000)
  • -m [mode], --mode [mode] polarity mode, one of on, off, all, abs (defaults to all)
    • on only uses ON events
    • off only uses OFF events
    • all multiplies the complex activity by 1 for ON events and -1 for OFF events
    • abs multiplies the complex activity by 1 for all events
  • -i [float], --minimum [float] minimum frequency in Hertz (defaults to 5e6 / (end - begin))
  • -j [float], --maximum [float] maximum frequency in Hertz (defaults to 10000.0)
  • -f [int], --frequencies [int] number of frequencies (defaults to 100)
  • -s [int], --times [int] number of time samples (defaults to 1000)
  • -g [float], --gamma [float] gamma ramp (power) to apply to the output image (defaults to 0.5)
  • -h, --help shows the help message


  • -i [path], --input [path] sets the path to the input .es file (defaults to standard input)
  • -o [path], --output [path] sets the path to the output directory (defaults to standard output)
  • -b [timecode], --begin [timecode] ignores events before this timestamp (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00)
  • -e [timecode], --end [timecode] ignores events after this timestamp (timecode, defaults to the end of the recording)
  • -f [timecode], --frametime [timecode] sets the time between two frames (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.020)
  • -c [int], --scale [int] scale up the output by the given integer factor (defaults to 1)
  • -t [timecode], --tau [timecode] decay in µs (timecode, defaults to 00:00:00.100000)
  • -m [mode], --mode [mode] polarity mode, one of on, off, all, abs (defaults to all)
    • on only uses ON events
    • off only uses OFF events
    • all multiplies the complex activity by 1 for ON events and -1 for OFF events
    • abs multiplies the complex activity by 1 for all events
  • -p [float], --minimum [float] minimum frequency in Hertz (defaults 10.0)
  • -q [float], --maximum [float] maximum frequency in Hertz (defaults to 10000.0)
  • -u [int], --frequencies [int] number of frequencies (defaults to 100)
  • -g [float], --frequency-gamma [float] gamma ramp (power) to apply to the output frequency (defaults to 0.5)
  • -k [float], --amplitude-gamma [float] gamma ramp (power) to apply to the output amplitude (defaults to 0.5)
  • -r [float], --discard [float] amplitude discard ratio for tone-mapping (defaults to 0.001)
  • -a, --add-timecode adds a timecode overlay
  • -d [int], --digits [int] sets the number of digits in output filenames, ignored if the output is not a directory (defaults to 6)
  • -h, --help shows the help message

The commands below show how to manually pipe the generated frames into FFmpeg:

cat /path/to/ | ./spatiospectrogram | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 1280x720 -framerate 50 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /path/to/output.mp4

You may need to change the width, height and framerate of the video depending on the spatiospectrogram options and the Event Stream dimensions. You can use ./size /path/to/ to read the dimensions:

cat /path/to/ | ./spatiospectrogram --frametime 10000 | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s $(./size /path/to/ -framerate 100 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /path/to/output.mp4

You can also use a lossless encoding format:

cat /path/to/ | ./spatiospectrogram | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 1280x720 -framerate 50 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i - -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -pix_fmt yuv444p /path/to/output.mp4


statistics retrieves the event stream's properties and outputs them in JSON format.

./statistics [options] /path/to/

Available options:

  • -h, --help shows the help message


development dependencies

Debian / Ubuntu

Open a terminal and run:

sudo apt install clang-format # formatting tool


Open a terminal and run:

brew install clang-format # formatting tool


To test the library, run from the command_line_tools directory:

premake4 gmake
cd build
cd release

Windows users must run premake4 vs2010 instead, and open the generated solution with Visual Studio.

You can then run sequentially the executables located in the release directory.

After changing the code, format the source files by running from the command_line_tools directory:

clang-format -i source/*.hpp source/*.cpp

Windows users must run Edit > Advanced > Format Document from the Visual Studio menu instead.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU GPLv3).