This repository is for the old MRIcroGL 1.0 (which uses OpenGL 2.1). Development has moved to MRIcroGL 1.2 (which uses OpenGL 3.3).
MRIcroGL is an open source volume ray caster. For details and compiled versions visit the NITRC wiki. You can also visit the MRIcroGL home pages which include videos, notes and troubleshooting advice.
You can download the latest release for Windows, MacOS or Linux from either of these sites:
Most users will want to use the pre-compiled executable (see the previous section). However, you can compile this yourself. Lazarus 2.0 or later is recommended.
lazbuild --verbose-pkgsearch lazopenglcontext --verbose-pkgsearch pascalscript
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "required packages already installed"
echo "installing packages"
lazbuild --add-package lazopenglcontext --add-package pascalscript --build-ide=
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
echo "macOS compiling for Cocoa, instead of default Carbon widgetset"
lazbuild -B --ws=cocoa ./simplelaz.lpr
lazbuild -B ./simplelaz.lpi
This software includes a BSD license.