A reasonably simple Ubuntu 12.04 LTS container with the pieces to form a MariaDB 5.5 Galera cluster. It's based on Nick Stenning's container for MariaDB 5.5, and adds in default support for X.509 based administrative authentication.
(Repeating the warning from Nick S)
NB: Please be aware that by default docker will make the MariaDB port accessible from anywhere if the host firewall is unconfigured. It also exposes the Galera wsrep port (by default 4567) globally, as well as the snapshot transfer port (default 4444). Care should be taken, perhaps, to firewall off these ports at the docker root level. While port 3306 might need wider exposure, ports 4567 and 4444 have no need to be exposed to anything other than members of the cluster.
The root password for the first node (and therefore the entire cluster) is randomly generated. This password can only be used to contact the server along the unix domain socket (ie, the default localhost connection).
The container needs to import two volumes (one read/write, the other read only). The first volume is the data volume, where the actual MySQL data is stored.
The second volume (read-only) is the SSL container, which should contain 3 files:
- a CA certificate (this can be a real CA certificate, or just a
simple test one, generated via something like TinyCA. This CA
file should be called
. 1 - an SSL private key. This should be set to ownership mode 0600 (or
even 0400). The file needs to be called
. - an SSL server certificate. The CN component of the subject name on
this certificate should be the DNS name of the host which will be
the end point for the database service. Note that you can have
multiple host names by using the subjectAltName X.509 v3 extension
on the certificate. This file needs to be called
The data volume must be mounted at the container directory
The SSL volume must be mounted (ideally read-only) at the container
directory /etc/ssl/mysql
Within the SSL volume there should also be a directory called root
which will contain a set of client certificates with names like
, amy-root.pem
, superman.pem
and so on. These names
will be registered as root capable users from any network host, with
no passwords, but only available using the SSL client certificates.
The remote root access is derived from a set of X.509 certificates which will be used via SSL to authenticate the user, so that passwords are not passed in via environmental variables. The root password is also encrypted via those keys and stored on the (exported) data volume which the container needs.
If you need to recover the root password, and you are the holder of one of the root keys in /etc/ssl/mysql/root, then execute
$ cat _/path/to/mysql-dir/_rootpw.pem | openssl smime -decrypt -inkey path/to/private-key.pem
cat /data/mysql-node-1/rootpw.pem | openssl smime -decrypt -inkey ~/ssl-keys/joe-root-key.pem
Note that this prints the root password to standard output. You might feel better outputting the key into a keyutils key, e.g.
cat /data/mysql-node-1/rootpw.pem | openssl smime -decrypt -inkey ~/ssl-keys/joe-root-key.pem | keyutil padd user mysql-root @us
This can then be used from the mysql command line like so
mysql -uroot -p$(keyctl pipe mysql-root) -h localhost
When your login session ends, the key will then be reaped.
This sets up a 3 node cluster on 3 different servers, all using default ports.
We assume that /data/mysql holds the (host, not container) directory where the MySQL database files need to go, and /data/mysql-ssl contains the relevant keys, certificates and CA certificates. For the first node standup, /data/mysql should be empty.
DBID=$(sudo docker run -d -v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
-v /data/mysql-ssl:/etc/ssl/mysql
-p 3306:3306 -e CLUSTER=BOOT ndunbar/mariadb55
(Note: no need to expose ports 4567 and 4444 - no-one is talking to anyone just yet)
This should fire up a single MySQL server with the appropriate remote
root user permissions (using SSL client certificates only). Check the
contents of /data/mysql/mysql.error.log
for whether things worked OK
or not.
Assuming it went well, continue.
sudo docker stop $DBID
This should (gracefully) stop the standalone mode MariaDB node
To begin the cluster, you need a single node as a catch-all donor.
DBID=$(sudo docker run -d /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
-v /data/mysql-ssl:/etc/ssl/mysql
-p 3306:3306 -p 4567:4567 -p 4444:4444
-e NODE_ADDR=my.host.name ndunbar/mariadb55
This should restart the server (with data intact) with the ability to use it to populate new nodes to fill out the cluster. Node that the primary component has a node number of 1 (this is fixed by scripting).
Note that ports 4567 and 4444 are open. 4567 is the Galera clustering service, and 4444 is the service by which snapshots of the database are transferred across to bring a new node into sync. The current container implementation uses Xtrabackup, encrypting the transfers via SSL between nodes. Xtrabackup has the nice property of not blocking the donor server (well, it does, but only for a very short time), which means you can continue to write into the donor node while other nodes are coming online.
For each extra node that you need to turn up, set up the /data/mysql
and /data/mysql-ssl
directories as per the primary node, and execute
DBID=$(sudo docker run -d /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
-v /data/mysql-ssl:/etc/ssl/mysql
-p 3306:3306 -p 4567:4567 -p 4444:4444
-e CLUSTER= my.host.name,his.host.name,her.host.name
-e NODE=
-e NODE_ADDR=my.host.name ndunbar/mariadb55
where <node number>
is some integer above 1, ideally sequential. The
, her.host.name
etc. should be the other nodes in the
cluster. You don't need to list all the nodes in the cluster - the
service will discover the other active nodes upon attempting to join
the cluster - if the list includes the host name of the node on which
the server is running, it will be excluded from the list of nodes to
be interrogated for cluster manifest.
Three nodes is the least number needed to avoid split brain scenarios.
Once the minimum number of synced nodes the cluster reaches 3, you can stop and restart the primary component as just another node in the cluster.
(On the server running the primary node)
sudo docker stop $DBID
DBID=$(sudo docker run -d /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
-v /data/mysql-ssl:/etc/ssl/mysql
-p 3306:3306 -p 4567:4567 -p 4444:4444
-e CLUSTER= my.host.name,his.host.name,her.host.name
-e NODE=1
-e NODE_ADDR=my.host.name ndunbar/mariadb55
Note that the root user certificates must be signed by the same CA as the one signing the server certificate. ↩